Just In
for Mortified

9/28 c319 1iceangel360
I finally finished this fic after a few years. What a wild journey.

Great job! I enjoyed evey minute of it.
8/5 c195 7Devashish Karatolios
Me realizing that you basically added Bleach mechanics to phantom-verse via liminality. “I was exposed to the spiritual energy for so long that I gained powers from it, even though I wasn’t born or changed to have them in an event of some sort” lol. Also, we really need to figure out what happened to Danny’s healy power, it would come in handy eventually. Clockwork’s turning Danny into a Master of Time, and will fade before the end of the story(or at least in the epilogue), won’t he? Danny’s already better at time than anyone else except clockwork. Smith is the personification or creativity/creation/crafting, and the trial’s gonna get superimposed into an official coronation because Danny’s luck is like that. Most probably is that he tries to use his authority to get his family free and alive, as can sometimes happen in American style trials that have heavy political implications. I wonder who’s gonna replace the Observants as Judges once they’re destroyed. Danny doesn’t choose that as king according to the earlier exposition, but I didn’t see who did choose it. It’s definitely some form of conflict of interest to have an Ancient be under the thumb of a Judge, since they could theoretically coerce him into changing his answers(not that they chose to do that, but considering the rest of their actions they probably could have), so it’s a good thing he got free. I hope clockwork gets better, if only long enough to pass his entire power set off to Danny, since Danny’s mimicry power means he could probably gain every ability in the Zone, and he’d be unstoppable(mostly. Once his core stabilizes, heals, and grows to its prime, considering that he’s basically an infant in ghost biology. He’s gonna have to be at least 2-3 centuries old before he hits his prime, and tbh with ghosts the way they are, he would probably stay there forever or only get more powerful from there. I wonder if he could actually claim the position of Ereshkigal, if he does get every power in the zone. Time travelimmortalityteleportationcloning means he could literally be everywhere and everywhen once he attains perfect control of his power. Maybe he could even travel backwards in time to interact with other ghost kings and challenge his invisibility against the strongest ghosts of all time until he could be truly omniscient(or as close to it without being insane) maybe his halfa biology could make it possible to do exactly what clockwork couldn’t, and track all of time and space with added cause and effect tracking abilities. After all, if he reaches clockwork’s age, then he will have triple the processing power, considering clockwork only has a core, where Danny has two brains as well.
8/4 c66 theDireOne
I tried really hard to get into this story but couldn't. It's got good ideas, but it never grabbed me. When Danny said, "They're human... but are they even people?", was the straw that broke the camel's back, so to speak.
6/11 c292 ElweChan7
"(Maybe he should have asked Hemlock to be here, but he felt bad taking his time up with things that weren't entirely legal matters)"

in other words: Hi I'm Danny and this is my Emotional Support Lawyer lol
6/9 c193 2Toffeecat15
This has been a great story, but unfortunately, I cannot continue reading it as I've simply lost interest in it. I hope you continue writing stories as I much enjoyed your writing style.
11/3/2023 c319 11searching4somewhere
Wow this was an incredible ride of a story. I first came across this story nearly 2 years ago and became fascinated with it. The amount of world building and character creation you have here is deserving of its own wiki. I especially love the Ancients and the arc where danny goes back in time was incredibly fun. Seriously, Im in awe here.
11/3/2023 c232 5Ryvaken Lucius Tadrya
The word is "principality" not "princedom."

In english, the idea of "prince" being "son of the king" or "heir to the throne" was because the king's heir would be trained by ruling a principality. Notably, the Prince of Wales was traditionally the heir to the King of England. The second heir to the English crown was the Duke of York, not a Prince, because York was a duchy, not a principality.

Linguistic drift!
10/9/2023 c167 12The Mad Mystic
I'm kinda... not liking how weak dan feels here. At the mercy of Pandora, and the implications that other ghosts of that level could've ended him... it kinda removes how much of a threat he really was, and more makes it seem like the ancients were lazy about their actions in the future. But I may be reading things wrong? Maybe.
I've also binged to this point in like a day or two, so...
9/26/2023 c188 wrldqueek
I didn't make the connection on the first read, Hemlock is Socrates. Neat.
9/19/2023 c319 5MsFrizzle
I've been working on catching up with my fanfic reading. As you can see, I'm several years behind. I finally got to this story and read it from the beginning. I found that when reading it all in one go, the story seemed to flow a lot better. I also remembered that the trip through the digressed tower seemed to drag a bit and I was glad when they finally got out but this time it seemed to have more purpose and make more sense to the overall plot.

I also appreciated the sections where Danny et. al. are wrangling things out with the President. Perhaps this is because I found myself sucked trying to write about conversation between Danny and the President. This was many years ago now and I wonder if it would go quite differently if I tried to write it now. I'm glad Danny is coming to this negotiation from a position of authority with the backed with the strength of the council of regents. This section brought up a lot of difficult questions and possible trouble but the light of hope for a better future shines through.
7/7/2023 c88 AngryRaptor
I really love the deep dive you're doing into how trials would work for ghosts! It's well thought out & explained thoroughly, & the exposition carries the story along instead of dragging it down.
6/27/2023 c319 Asilla
Oh my god, it's over?! I'm just now catching up after a long break from fics, and for some reason I felt like this fic would just always be there for me to jump back into. Wow, what a fun ride this has been. Thank you for writing it, and for helping to keep the phandom alive after so many years. Loved it. Looking forward to more from you in the future.
6/18/2023 c303 19ThisPerson1
sorry my last review got cut off. But I wanted to take the time to say how much I love David. They just seem so done with everyone's bs. Damien is also another favorite. I can't wait to read the rest!
6/18/2023 c303 ThisPerson1
I have so much to catch up on, I missed reading so many chapters because of life. Now that I've been able to start back reading this fic, I just want to say how much I love it!
5/7/2023 c319 41Tantei-Otaku-kun
thank you for your fantastic service, author!
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