Just In
for The Wooden Flute

11/21/2009 c2 Ravenna Frost
Um, Tutankhamen;s tomb, much? What Thatz says is close to what Howard Carter said, if not the same thing.
10/10/2004 c6 68Kagome-reincarnation
cool! It's OK..I only have seven reviews total out of three writings...
10/8/2004 c1 Kagome-reincarnation
8/29/2004 c6 Eikou
That was a very interesting story, but I believe earlier, you said this written for a class. How was that done? Thank you for the good story.
6/19/2004 c3 7sh4mesh4me
Really nice imagery with the Rune-jumping-out-of-window thing... Perfect chapter, save that I would have had Thatz shove Rune out instead of a demon... So I like Thatz x Rune... so what?
6/19/2004 c2 sh4mesh4me
What does Thatz see that's so amazing?

And my answer is:

Rune, of course!

...Because everyone _knew_ Thatz had a _huge_ crush on Rune.

On to the next chapter!
6/19/2004 c1 sh4mesh4me
Hi! You reviewed my story and you sounded pretty intelligent, so I decided to read your story! It's really good, and I especially like the whole legend-of-the-flute thing. I'm going to shut up though now, and go read the next chapter!
3/25/2004 c6 13Shadow Guardian of the Gate
I like! I like! I love it! I really do!
11/8/2003 c6 3Kawaii ningen kitsune
Hn. Good
7/11/2003 c6 6Sam Baku
I'll rent both rath and thats plese! *giggles insanly* *mwah* congradulations on finishing your first chappter fic! I'm still trying to do that... ^^;

*claps hands* I shall be looking to see if you write anymore stories.

6/25/2003 c1 6wulfiesacolyte
Well, stories written in present tense tend to annoy me, but that's up to the disgression of the author. The story itself seems a bit dialogue-heavy...perhaps a bit more description of what the characters are doing while they talk would ease the problem. The prologue, though a bit rushed, was beautiful. Nice idea.

I'll be sure to read more.
6/25/2003 c6 4Neo-Kitty
That was a good idea for an ending. I liked how you used the dragon eyes. Also I'll rent Rath if you don't mind. He has always been my favorite though he is quite mean at times. What do I owe you and how soon can I have him? Next time you post let me know 'kay! See ya soon!
6/24/2003 c5 1Tani Gesakusha
6/23/2003 c5 wingnut
*chuckles* Great! Fascinating story, hope you continue! *grins*
6/23/2003 c5 4Neo-Kitty
I like it so far. I hope you continue. Though, I must say that I wish Rath and Thatz would be nicer to you. Write more soon.
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