Just In
for A Matter of Perspective

5/24/2024 c41 Shirley5591
Wonderful story! Thank you for writing it :)
12/26/2023 c41 Fuzz79
I really enjoyed reading this Tank and Lula’s wedding remains one of my favorite fanfic stories
5/17/2023 c41 HMCM0122
Really enjoyed this story! Made me cry a few times. Thank you!
4/23/2023 c41 KellyGirl
Even more heartfelt the second time around. I enjoy your writing so much. Thanks for this. Now into the sequel…
4/21/2023 c9 Guest
I must admit I was nervous about the Morelli visit. I just had this feeling some sort of Stephanie Plum type disaster would befall the trio. Luckily it went well and, now I'm craving birthday cake! Whew what a hot scene! Excited for the upcoming meet the family event!
4/19/2023 c7 Guest
Ranger's comment about what it would take for him to leave, wow, how sweet! I hope Stephanie is realizing the depth of his love! Lucky girl!
4/19/2023 c8 Guest
What a powerful chapter! So sad about Kinsey and Amanda!
4/17/2023 c6 Guest
Wow, what a chapter! Love how their relationship is evolving! Wonderful writing!
4/17/2023 c3 Guest
I am so glad I found your writing! I am truly enjoying this piece and I'm hooked. Can't seem to read fast enough. I forgot to review the 1st couple of chapters, but thank you for sharing your talent! What a gift you have given us! You have given the characters that I enjoy so much more depth! It's the direction I wish the books would go. A special thank you to Morelli for handling the break up maturly, to Ranger for opening up and Stephanie for taking the chance on him! Can't wait to keep reading!
2/28/2023 c41 Guest
What a fantastic story. Such a journey!
Thank you so much.
2/24/2023 c6 ChristinaS
Awww perfect end to the chapter
12/6/2022 c41 debb lavoie
I love our main characters, Stephanie is a better bounty hunter and Ranger is a bit more open.
Great story.
11/5/2022 c41 Guest
Great story. Liked the way you handled the rape matter. Best was the revenge on Diana by Ranger.
11/5/2022 c13 Guest
Reading your story I was waiting for the other shoe to drop and here it is! Your summary should have had a warning. Hate reading these kinds of stories!
Stephanie should do something better than sit glued to her TV, read up stuff, speak to Amanda, etc. Her friends have no ambition besides partying men and gossiping.
10/16/2022 c3 Guest
I wish $80k was enough to buy a townhouse. Unfortunately, especially in NJ, that wouldn’t even buy a cardboard box on Stark Street
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