Just In
for A Matter of Perspective

6/9/2018 c9 sydneybabe15
Didn't read this story the first time round, but really enjoyinh this relationship between Steph and Ranger. Great chapter.
6/9/2018 c8 Buddy'sBabe
Interesting chapter. Surprised Ranger responded the way he did to Steph. Keep writing, looking forward to more of this story
6/8/2018 c8 Barb4psu
So sad. Great update
6/8/2018 c7 Barb4psu
Great update. Very sweet
6/8/2018 c6 Barb4psu
So sweet. Love it
6/8/2018 c5 GarbanzoBeans
Talking and compromising is all about being an adult.
6/8/2018 c6 ShadowDragon2112
Great story.
6/8/2018 c4 1Carol421
* rented a moving truck for *Saturday*. (Not Sunday)

Enjoying your story. Very well-written.
6/8/2018 c6 Mooch the Cat
Loving re-reading this story and knowing you are still writing.
6/7/2018 c6 Buddy'sBabe
Great chapter. Love that they talked. Hate that she did wait for Ranger before going to that guys house. Thank goodness Ranger got there in time. Hoping it will make her finally realize she needs some training
6/7/2018 c5 12711LuvsRanger
I love the realistic evolution of a relationship here. It’s totally drawn on canon but shows a lot more growth for the characters than je ever does! ;)
6/7/2018 c6 8WizardsWoman
I am so glad you are back. I have enjoyed reading and rereading your works.
6/7/2018 c5 Barb4psu
Great update
6/7/2018 c6 muzzarae
Yeah! They love each other and can say it!
6/7/2018 c4 13L-Sfarmwmn
I never had a chance to read your fics before you removed them, so I'm very happy you are putting them back up. You have a lot of people in the Ranger Should Get The Girl facebook page very excited about your return. Can't wait for you to post the next chapters. Welcome back!
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