Just In
for A Matter of Perspective

6/7/2018 c1 wyominggal
I am so glad that you are back! This is one of my favorite stories EVER! I tried to find it to read a while back and discovered it was gone and you were gone. It's always fun to look for updates on a story so I am looking forward to reading this one chapter at a time!
6/7/2018 c2 annalynn88
Even better. Just glad to have you back . Thank you for once again sharing your talents.
6/7/2018 c2 A.T.SYNDROME
I'm so glad you decided to repost your stories! I have always enjoyed rereading them.
6/7/2018 c2 Buddy'sBabe are you going to finish this wonderful start to what will be a very good story
6/6/2018 c2 2trhodes9
I always liked this story.
6/6/2018 c1 12711LuvsRanger
Thank you! Thank you! Thanks so much for reposting. You have been one of my favourite ff authors since I started reading and writing ff myself. Never doubt that you are a talented writer ad your stories are very much enjoyed. Can't wait to re-read as you put them bck. Cheers! Robyn
6/6/2018 c1 20Roscommon
I'm so happy that you're back, and that your stories will live again. I really enjoyed this one the first time, and am happy you felt brave enough to bring it back for all of us. I don't have much time to read at the moment, but will surely come back to this and re-read it now that you're posting it. Thank you for this gift to this community of readers.
6/6/2018 c1 jackattack1
You just made my day, make that my year! Talk about moping when you pulled your stories...I look forward to re-reading each one. Thank you for reconsidering and coming back to us.
6/6/2018 c2 Barb4psu
Woooowww. Love it
6/6/2018 c1 4AggieReader
THANK GOD YOU ARE BACK. I cannot tell you how upset I was when this story disappeared. I moped for days on end. It is SUCH a beautiful story. I hope you post your other works as well!

Also, I really hope you keep your profile this time, and let us know your pen name if and when you decide to publish any original work.
6/6/2018 c1 nanaeubanks
Thank you, thank you I love reading and rereading your stories .Today is a good day now that you are back and reposting. Thank you again
6/6/2018 c1 Barb4psu
Great restart
6/6/2018 c2 113MomofPhoenix
Yes! Oh my word I am so excited to see you back! I love all of your stories, and boy oh boy it makes me fangirl! Welcome back!
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