for A Matter of Perspective
8/17/2022 c41 debb lavoieReally enjoyed your story. Some of the topics were new to me and were handled beautifully. Thank you.
8/17/2022 c31 debb lavoieOh that's funny, he's in trouble.
8/17/2022 c28 debb lavoieAnd Ranger scores, ding dong the bitch is dead. Excellent chapter!
8/17/2022 c25 debb lavoieShe should have sat down with Ranger and given her the evil eye.
8/17/2022 c24 debb lavoieWhat the hell, who does this person think she is. Ugh
8/17/2022 c23 debb lavoiezLeave it to Joe to be an ass. He's giving Bon away, who is he to talk.