Just In
for A Matter of Perspective

8/17/2022 c22 debb lavoie
Insecurity showing up again.
8/17/2022 c22 debb lavoie
Oh wow. Kevin and Rachel, weird.
8/17/2022 c21 debb lavoie
Wow, that was a thing of beauty.
8/17/2022 c20 debb lavoie
The icing, gotta love it.
8/17/2022 c18 debb lavoie
He's doing better, glad to see that.
8/17/2022 c16 debb lavoie
So hard for someone like Ranger. Stephanie is handling pretty well.
8/17/2022 c15 debb lavoie
You are writing this topic so well. I have never read anything where Ranger was in this situation.
8/17/2022 c14 debb lavoie
You handled this topic so well. Excellent chapter.
8/17/2022 c13 debb lavoie
Oh damn, that's rough.
8/17/2022 c11 debb lavoie
Jeese, that person is a bitch.
8/17/2022 c9 debb lavoie
Yikes, thought Ranger would freak with Joe there.
8/16/2022 c7 debb lavoie
She already backed out of the dinner deal.
8/16/2022 c6 debb lavoie
Oh my, that was wonderful.
8/16/2022 c5 debb lavoie
So far so good with the relationship.
8/16/2022 c4 debb lavoie
This chapter made me happy and Lula, made me smile.
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