Just In
for A Matter of Perspective

7/14/2019 c15 Madgor
Wow... the therapy was powerful. I’m so impressed that you included this subject and wrote so openly about it. I often found rape and specifically male rape or male perspective of sexual assault missing, not because i want to read about anyone’s misery but because it’s often represented with female pov.
7/14/2019 c14 Madgor
Wow, such important chapter and I think you wrote it very well!
5/14/2019 c41 Guest
Great! Fell in love with it the first time reading it - still love it re-released

Thanks so much! It’s a wonderful story!
5/14/2019 c1 thebeautifulnuissance
Great story! Loved it the first time - reread it and it became even better!
5/5/2019 c41 KellyGirl
That was such a fun, exciting & well written story. Your characters, dialog & plot were just top notch. I really enjoyed your humor as well. "My margaritas are my friends" & the wedding Stephanie & Ranger attended were just a riot! I am so looking forward to reading your sequel as well as your other works. Thanks so much for this!
5/5/2019 c19 KellyGirl
HOLY CRAP, BRITTANY! This chapter should come with a warning! I almost choked myself to death when I got halfway thru & came upon the C word (don't want to give it away-I hate spoilers)! Laughed so hard. On another note, I'd just like to say that I've only recently found your works & am starting my first of your stories. I'm thoroughly enjoying it. You've a great talent. Certainly looking forward to finishing this, it's sequel & perusing your other works. Please keep writing. Thanks for this (& the laughs)!
4/26/2019 c4 melyons
I like how you had Hal be ther with Ranger. Other than Tank, he really is the only regular Rangeman.
1/23/2019 c36 ChristinaS
I laughed so hard at Tank & Lula's wedding! I do everytime I read this. It's just so damn funny. All of it!
10/30/2018 c41 tanyaleigh
Amazing story thanks for sharing!
10/2/2018 c41 Tiggy318
Such a fantastic story! Loved it and couldn't stop reading, which is why it's 3:30 in the morning and I am still up, even though I have 2 toddlers that will be up in just a few hours! Looking forward to your other stories!
9/25/2018 c41 Buddy'sBabe
Loved reading this again. Please continue to write when you can. You are so talented
9/14/2018 c1 2untertasse
I can't tell you how happy I am that you came back and re-posted! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
8/20/2018 c41 Tanya
Loved the story. Thanks for sharing!
7/3/2018 c41 3MrsPandaBrowncoat
What an incredible story! I was really enjoying the depth of issues and character development you put in, then noticed I was only up to chapter 15. I was really wondering how much more you could add to it. It’s a brilliant story. I loved it, and read the whole lot in about 24 to 36 hours. I also really enjoy the gentle dealing with Morelli. It seemed very in keeping with JE’s writing of him and Steph. Great story. Thank you for reposting it, I may have missed it otherwise.
6/28/2018 c41 Barb4psu
Great story. Sequel? The baby?
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