Just In
for A Matter of Perspective

6/27/2018 c41 daxandpat
Baby sequel?
6/27/2018 c37 daxandpat
LOL again! :-)
6/26/2018 c27 daxandpat
Ha, new meaning to the phrase, having your cake and eating it too!
6/26/2018 c25 daxandpat
Big sad tears. If this was my first time it would have been a tissue moment.
6/26/2018 c24 daxandpat
Dumb ass! So much easier to communicate.
6/26/2018 c22 daxandpat
Sad to see the self doubt but understandable.
6/25/2018 c41 3Rangerbabe21
Very nice ending. Moving on to the sequel.
6/25/2018 c40 Rangerbabe21
Awesome honeymoon
6/25/2018 c20 daxandpat
Love that last line!
6/25/2018 c39 Rangerbabe21
Wow another difficult chapter of dealing with Rangers assault and having to talk about it with Julie. Well done
6/25/2018 c38 Rangerbabe21
Finally the wedding we've all been waiting for.
6/25/2018 c37 Rangerbabe21
Tough chapter with Stephanie's Surprise and Ranger taking it so badly but he apologized and that's always a momentous occasion.
6/25/2018 c36 Rangerbabe21
So Lula and tank made it to the wedding and finally got married. I had to laugh with all the midnight phone calls because Lula is very big on getting her beauty sleep.
6/24/2018 c35 Rangerbabe21
LMAO Lulacabana was hilarious
6/24/2018 c34 Rangerbabe21
There are so many reasons I love this story and I'm really enjoying getting to read it again but one of them is the way you did the wedding it is so perfect.
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