6/25/2018 c39 Rangerbabe21
Wow another difficult chapter of dealing with Rangers assault and having to talk about it with Julie. Well done
Wow another difficult chapter of dealing with Rangers assault and having to talk about it with Julie. Well done
6/25/2018 c37 Rangerbabe21
Tough chapter with Stephanie's Surprise and Ranger taking it so badly but he apologized and that's always a momentous occasion.
Tough chapter with Stephanie's Surprise and Ranger taking it so badly but he apologized and that's always a momentous occasion.
6/25/2018 c36 Rangerbabe21
So Lula and tank made it to the wedding and finally got married. I had to laugh with all the midnight phone calls because Lula is very big on getting her beauty sleep.
So Lula and tank made it to the wedding and finally got married. I had to laugh with all the midnight phone calls because Lula is very big on getting her beauty sleep.
6/24/2018 c34 Rangerbabe21
There are so many reasons I love this story and I'm really enjoying getting to read it again but one of them is the way you did the wedding it is so perfect.
There are so many reasons I love this story and I'm really enjoying getting to read it again but one of them is the way you did the wedding it is so perfect.