Just In
for Dreaming of Adonis: Grecian Bath

5/11/2024 c1 9Jasmine Melody
DAMN! More please!
7/24/2018 c1 NotYourQueen
Ohhh this is good!

We definitely need more of this! I mean, Yōko NEEDS to make that dream come true *giggles*

Please continue this soon!

Love this, love you! <3
7/20/2018 c1 1EverRose808
Oh I definitely need more! Please continue! Keep up the awesome work!
6/11/2018 c1 AnonGurl08
That was steamy. Oooh. This should definitely be continued.
6/9/2018 c1 write more soon
write more soon
6/11/2018 c1 Stiches17
please continue!

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