Just In
for Cardfight Vanguard Victory Star

4/14/2019 c26 14decode9
Enjoyable and I liked how it went.
4/14/2019 c25 decode9
Nice job on this, and loved Sakura appearing.
4/14/2019 c24 decode9
Nice way to end things, and I have a feeling who the other team is.
4/14/2019 c23 decode9
Nice to see this.
4/14/2019 c22 decode9
One down, and two to go.
4/14/2019 c21 decode9
Good luck Tom. Will need it.
4/14/2019 c20 decode9
Ouch Megan. That stung.
4/14/2019 c19 decode9
4/14/2019 c18 decode9
4/4/2019 c17 decode9
4/2/2019 c16 decode9
Oh this should be fun.
4/1/2019 c15 decode9
Nice job on this, and looking forward to the next.
3/26/2019 c14 decode9
A Nubatama user is next. Oh I sense trouble for it.
3/25/2019 c13 decode9
Ouch. Well Greg should be interesting in his fight.
3/11/2019 c12 decode9
I do like this so far. Wonder if they will change up their decks a bit throughout the tournament.
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