Just In
for In Willing Sacrifice

1/18 c114 Guest
Muchas gracias por la actualización.

Está historia es fascinante, la estoy leyendo desde sus inicios y realmente me encanta.

La relación de Harry y Voldemort, como se fueron desarrollando las cosas, su relación y un sin fin de cosas que te envuelvan.

1/7 c114 kawaiGaby
Yes! Thank you for this great chapter! I have been scouting the last few days to see if there would be an update soon! Yay. Nice that Harry is finally back. And really interesting to see the changes to him. And ohhhhh could something be done about Neville’s parents? That would be so awesome! Can’t wait for the next chapter !
1/5 c114 indie0209
ohh so happy for the update id be so happy for Neville if his parents we brought back to him and so he can have a other to help him and it ve nice if harry can steathen the dementor ward from hogwarts or necromancy one with Voldemort or teist the spell harry uses to destroy them into a ward
12/13/2024 c112 Guest
thank you for writing such a wonderful story i cant wait to see where its heading
12/1/2024 c113 kawaiGaby
I read this chapter as soon as it came out but I forgot to comment boo me!
This chapter was once again phenomenal! Even if there is a bit less action, the different points of views makes it incredible to read!
And yay finally Harry shows up! REALLY looking forward to the next chapter!
11/20/2024 c113 Guest
i love this book so much honestly
10/25/2024 c113 Guest
Me encantó los diferentes puntos de vista de los personajes. Un acercamiento con sus pensamientos.

Por otro lado estoy súper emocionada de ver de nuevo a Harry y Voldemort!

Saber que paso

Muchas gracias por actualizar
10/20/2024 c113 indie0209
hope harry and tom figured it out and hope harry has all three hallows finally and some what figured out the book
8/30/2024 c2 kaorunekko
Tendré que leer de nuevo me quedé en la pruebas de los tres magos está es mi historia favorita todos tus historias son mis favoritss escribes de los dioses
8/12/2024 c112 Guest
Mi capitulo favorito asta el momento.
Muchas gracias por actualizar.
8/4/2024 c112 indie0209
update more often love the story glad the pair figured out finally i think we should here how they can use it for Umbridge and dementors
8/2/2024 c112 indie0209
glade they figured it out finally maybe its time they figure out how to stop the dementors wish they could find out away to bring toms looks back
7/29/2024 c21 reditusm
Ich liebe, die käfersehne so sehr, bin jedes Mal am Tränen lachen vor Begeisterung einfach wegen dem schwarzen Humor dieser Sehne, so unendlich genial!
6/21/2024 c111 Guest
Hey . Ich liebe deine Geschichte so so sehr und lese sie jetzt schon bestimmt zum dritten Mal. Ich hoffe wirklich, du schreibst sie weiter. Ich brenne so drauf zu erfahren, wie sie zu Ende geht. Irgendwann in weiter Ferne hoffentlich.
Ganz liebe Grüße
6/16/2024 c111 Guest
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