Just In
for The 48th Hunger Games

7/28/2018 c3 Randomperson1818
I made another character

NAME- Nemo Fisher
AGE- 18
FAMILY INFO- Father Wave Fisher- Fisherman, Mother Anna Fisher- Teacher
Brother Tank Fisher(14)
PHYSICAL APPEARANCE- Blond hair, Blue eyes, Well muscled, Tall
BACKSTORY- Nemo been training his whole life and has detested it. He lives an average life for a member of district 4 except his father forces him to train. His brother also detests training. He was chosen to volunteer this year but was going to back out of it until his brother was reaped. He then volunteered because he didn’t want his brother to go through the horrors of the hunger games.
PERSONALITY- Kind when he doesn't have to put on a show for his parents.
CLASS- Middle
REACTION TO REAPING- He was terrified when his brother got reaped.
TOKEN (why is it important)- A shell his brother gave him, it’s important because he loves his brother more than anything else in the world.
STRENGTHS- He is very strong and good with a trident and fishing.
WEAKNESSES- He hates seeing young kids get hurt,
ANYTHING ELSE THAT'S IMPORTANT- He is good at hiding that he doesn't like training.
7/28/2018 c3 Randomperson1818
Juno has brown hair.

Octavian has 0 siblings.
7/27/2018 c3 3Lilah32
NAME- Alyxandra "Alyx" Lernan

GENDER- Female


AGE- 16

FAMILY INFO- Alyx's father, Joseph Lernan is a doctor at the District Eight hospital. Alyx admires his father and wants to be like him when she is an adult. She helps him at the hospital as an intern/trainee, so she sees him a lot more than her siblings do. Her younger brother, Matteos is twelve. He looks up to Alyx, but can't stand blood. He's very innocent and naive. Her younger sister, Arabelle is fifteen and works in one of the factories. She's very kind to everyone and is saving up money to heal their mother. Their mother, Laylie, used to be very fun and lively, but was diagnosed with a long-term illness that leaves her bed-ridden and is slowly killing her. The whole family is working to save her. Besides this, Alyx has had a pretty good family life.

PHYSICAL APPEARANCE- Alyx is kind of tall, and has long, dark brown hair. Her eyes are dark brown as well and she has freckles and tan skin. Her ears slightly stick out.

BACKSTORY- Alyx works in a hospital with her father to save up money to heal her mother, who is slowly dying of sickness. She spends a lot of time at the hospital, where she is working very hard because she has a strong desire to be a doctor and help people, like her father. She spends so much time at the hospital, that she rarely sees her siblings and has mediocre school work.

PERSONALITY- Alyx always wants to help people. It's her one goal in life. She's very kind and helps people whenever she sees an opportunity to. She smart, but isn't good at thinking on her feet. She's good at coming up with plans as long as she has a lot of time to do so. She doesn't like change of pace, and expected her life to be straight-forward. She's very ambitious, and when she wants to do something she puts all her effort into it.

CLASS- Her family used to be upper middle class, but when her mother fell ill they had to spend a lot of money to keep her alive.

REAPED OR VOLUNTEER- She was reaped.

REACTION TO REAPING- She was shocked and very surprised. She kept stoic expression until she was alone, when she started sobbing uncontrollably.

TOKEN (why is it important)- Her father gave her a pin with the District Eight medical symbol on it. He got it when he first began working full time at the hospital. Alyx had always wanted one, and her father gave it to her so if she didn't make it, at least one of her goals would be completed.

STRENGTHS- Healing, smart, good at coming up with long-term plans, somewhat fit.

WEAKNESSES- Always feels a need to help others, won't kill, bad at thinking on her feet, doesn't react well to surprises, gets scared easily.

ANYTHING ELSE THAT'S IMPORTANT- She'd definitely be open to having an ally.
7/27/2018 c3 Smiley
You did an amazing job on Juno! I love how she is so fierce but has a heart! Wonderful job!
Octavian is a bit typical, but I admire his confidence.
Juno’s hair is brown and Octavian doesn’t have any siblings.
Thank you for doing Juno such Justice! See you in D3!
7/26/2018 c2 Randomperson1818
Ariana's older brother's name is Tony.

Blaze's token is a pendant with a flame on it.
7/23/2018 c2 Guest
Here’s a tribute:

NAME: Nathan Hayes
AGE: 13
FAMILY: Lives with his mother Martha Hayes, father Matt Hayes and grandmother Madeline Hayes. Also has a half sister called Sandy Hayes.
APPEARANCE: Light brown skin, dark eyes and hair. Average height and slightly overweight. Wears glasses.
BACKSTORY: Nathan has mostly been raised by his grandmother as his parents work long hours for PanemRail, who operate the trains in the districts. He is the favourite child. Nathan has a bad relationship with his half sister Sandy who at 25 has gone off the rails and is addicted to morphling. His parents have never allowed him to watch the Hunger Games, so he doesn’t know much about them and just assumes he will never be reaped.
PERSONALITY: Likeable, with a good sense of humour. However, he can be pretty naive.
CLASS: Middle class.
REACTION TO REAPING: In tears, and not afraid to show it. He didn’t think it could possibly be him.
TOKEN: He didn’t know you could have one.
STRENGTHS: Comfortable with public speaking, determined to see his family again, decent aim.
WEAKNESSES: No previous experience with weapons, unfit, empathy for his fellow tributes.
ANYTHING ELSE: Nathan loves to read and dreams of owning a bookshop.
7/16/2018 c2 CandleFire45
I completely got Ariana's question wrong. I only read part of her POV, and her older brother's name is Tony. Sorry I messed that up. My opinion on her is still the same though, but I have a bit more sympathy for her now. Also, didn't mention this last time, but I really like your writing style in this chapter. It flowed nicely.
7/16/2018 c2 Smiley
Great chapter!
For the questions:
Ariana’s older brother is Tony and Blaze’s token is a bracelet with a fire charm on it.
Anyway, Ariana gave me some Katniss vibes, but I like her. I think she will go far. Aquarius loves her! So cute!
Blaze is admirable, it’s interesting how he hates the games.
See you in the next chapter!
7/16/2018 c2 7CandleFire45
Okay, now to review, I got my chart ready. I think I'm the only person doing this right now. Hopefully other people review soon.

Blaze: A career who was forced to train and is very strong and tough, but dosen't want to kill children. During my first few days of fanfiction, I thought this trope was fine, but everyone else hated it. I wasn't sure why until I read this character's POV. It's so weird and makes no sense. Personnaly, I do like when careers question their actions and morallity, but something erks me about Blaze. It dosen't make me hate him, he is fine in retrospect, but his trope might put a few people off, especially with the district two careers if there deadly. Netruel for now.

Ariana: I remember when I first started fanfiction, I made a tribute exactly like this, only she was a he, and he volunteered for his younger brother. I do not understand at all why a district 1 person, who has plenty of food and lives a perfect life, would even want to go hunting in the woods, does district 1 even have woods? Netherless, I still like Ariana, and she's compleatly fine, what bothers me more though is how simmiler Blaze is to her. It bassivly defeats the whole point of them interacting, because they both have the same thoughts and opinions. Whats so cool about the games, is when they put two compleatly different people into a lie and death arena, and they interact with each other, you get to see different arguments, ineractions, and thoughts. I still like her, but maybe not that much. Netruel for now.

Netruel: Arina(D1F), Blaze(D1M)
Kill this tribute instantly please:

Sorry if I seemed a bit harsh in my review to the submitters. Ii do still like the tributes, and I can't wait to see how they develop. It's just my opinion and I hope everyone can acept that. I can't wait for the next chapter.

Ariana's YOUNGER brothers name is Caleb.
Blaze got a pendent with a symbol of a flame on it.

Take Care
7/16/2018 c1 CandleFire45
I don't usual do SYOT where I can submit through reviews. But whatever. Hope you enjoy this character.

NAME: Erin Arden

GENDER: Female


AGE: 15

FAMILY INFO: Lives with her mother and father, and also a younger brother. Both parents work in the coal mines, so Erin has to take care of her younger brother most of the time.

PHYSICAL APPEARANCE: Erin is short and skinny. Mostly pale, but looks really dirty. She has messy black hair that she despises because of how short and ugly it looks. She has a diamond shaped face, with large brown eyes, and thin lips.

BACKSTORY: Erin was born into a very poor family, who barley enough money to pay for basic things. Erin had to work at a very young age to help her parents. She resents working so much, since she is very tired and weak, and she gets ridiculed at school for being poor and messy. Erin had grown to be very responsible, but stubborn and impatient. When she turned 7, her younger brother, Zane, was born. They had a bit more money, so Zane never had to work as hard as Erin, which upsets her and has formed a little sibling rivalry between them.

PERSONALITY: At a young age, Erin learned to be very responsible and resourceful since she lived in a very poor household. She does tend to have a short temper and is stubborn and impatient due to her working all the time, but she is very smart about what she says and when she says it. Erin is very adventoures and bold, wanting to do very big things in order to please herself and other, but she can be a bit to reckless with her actions. She is also very judgmental since most of her life she's been bullied.

CLASS: 3rd Class,


REACTION TO REAPING: She just walks up onto the stage, really pissed off and ready to fight some children.

TOKEN (why is it important): She gets nothing.

STRENGTHS: Fast, Clever, Resourceful

WEAKNESSES: Stubborn, Impatient, Weak, and Reckless


Now onto the chapter. I don't have much to say about it, but I liked the characters. It feels as if though things are really jumbled in the writing, but I still enjoyed it.

That's all I have to say, onto review the next chapter.
7/16/2018 c2 3lionkingfactsguy3
I want the girl from 4, and the boys from 8 and 11
7/8/2018 c1 Randomperson1818
NAME- Wyatt Foster Jr
AGE- 17
FAMILY INFO- Mother: Lia Foster Father: Wyatt Foster Sr they work in a power plant
PHYSICAL APPEARANCE- Brown hair, Green eyes, Scrawny and small for his age, looks 14
BACKSTORY- Wyatt has undiagnosed Schizophrenia and is considered just mentally disturbed, he has had this condition since he was 5.
PERSONALITY- Changes vastly depending on the voices
CLASS- Lower-Middle class
REAPED OR VOLUNTEER- Voices “forced” him to volunteer
REACTION TO REAPING- Why are the voices doing this to me.
TOKEN (why is it important)-
STRENGTHS- He is good at hiding and running. He also has good throwing aim.
WEAKNESSES- his schizophrenia, his size
ANYTHING ELSE THAT'S IMPORTANT- Wyatt knows he has Schizophrenia and tries to hide it, he’s not very good though.
7/6/2018 c1 2FangirlPhenomenon
Name: Ariana Angel
Gender: girl
District: 1
Age: 15
Family Info: Living parents (this is NOT a Disney story!) older brother, younger brother, (again, NOT DEAD!)
Physical Appearance: red hair, green eyes, freckles, pale
BackstoryNO DEAD PARENTS!) life is all luxury in District 1, but Ariana would much rather trade lives with someone in District 12. She finds her District 1 lifestyle boring, so she sneaks out into the forest and only eats what she catches.
Personality: firey temper, headstrong, unagreeable, trust issues, smart
Class: upper class, although she HATES IT!
Reaped or Volunteer: volunteer; she took her little brother's place
Reaction to Reaping: not scared, thinks she might have a chance if she uses her head
Token (why it's importantBeaded bracelet her little brother made her before The Games. It's a symbol of their bond that will never be broken
Strengths: her mind, good with a bow and arrow
Weaknesses: her little brother Caleb, her best friend Aquarius
Anything Else That's Important: Ariana and Aquarius should end up together
6/26/2018 c1 HG
NAME-Blaze Hale
FAMILY INFO-Both parents work in the velvet industry. Blaze has a little sister named Velvet.
PHYSICAL APPEARANCE-Tall, muscular, curly black hair, and blue eyes.
BACKSTORY-Parents forced him to start training when he was 8 for the Hunger Games They consider it a honor to be in the hunger games. Even though he definitely does not want to. Met Platinum (his current girlfriend) at the academy where he trains. They fell in love. Once his little sister turns 8, her parents will do the same to her.
PERSONALITY-Very caring, and can be quiet. Has bad temper.
CLASS-Upper. His parents get paid a lot so his family is never hungry and they get luxuries like expensive clothes.
Volunteered only because his parents forced him to
REACTION-Mad on the inside.
TOKEN-A symbol of a flame on a pendant. Girlfriend gave it to him. Reminds him to be strong.
STRENGTHS-Very strong physically. Can run very fast and is good at using spears.
WEAKNESSES-Bad temper.
ANYTHING ELSE-Will want allies in the Hunger Games. Will only pretend to want to be there.
6/26/2018 c1 Jessica
She’s 17 short and blond her name is Jessica but she hate her name so everyone calls her Jess she’s not really good at fighting but she can hold her own she is really smart tho and that’s what keeps her alive
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