Just In
for Clone of Mine

1/8/2023 c3 LB Cat
Nice reading and funny to boot. Thanks.
3/19/2019 c3 21Spidey2
Love this! Keep going!
2/24/2019 c3 4RavenShadow
Thus was a good chapter, thank so much for the update.
2/24/2019 c3 Niceguymad
Glad to see an update. I have been loving every chapter so far.
12/15/2018 c1 6tarrangar
Love this story it's funny, I hope you continue it(sorry I couldn't think of a more constructive review, but I thought you would like to know I think it's a good story, even if I had no constructive criticism for it)
11/14/2018 c2 Niceguymad
Please continue,this is great
8/12/2018 c2 4RavenShadow
Interesting so far, looking forward to reading more.
8/5/2018 c2 sandmanwake
The clone should call Hinata mom and Naruto dad. Then have someone ready with a camera to catch Hinata’s reaction.
8/5/2018 c2 9Guy Fawkess
i like it. its something on the border of crack fic but not silly enough. ill follow
8/2/2018 c2 1Stan Vanner
perfect cliffhanger to piss me off until the next update. Nice work. I really like this chapter. It's also cool that the clone shows the traits naruto would've had if his Minato's traits weren't so strong.
8/2/2018 c2 5Dragon Country
Very cool idea i hope you continue this story. It's very intriguing, you could play around with the idea of consciousness and the the possible ramifications of some one being able to create living clones. Are is this new clone a person, should it have the same rights as normal people, does this new type of clone even have a soul, can it form its own identity? All sorts of questions can be asked in this story, and I hope you at least explore at least a little bit of the themes of identity and what it means to be human.
7/24/2018 c1 That One Lazy Guy
Short first chapter but whatevs I like the idea! I admit to being curious about this and seeing from your other fic it's bound to incorporate some very unique ideas
6/26/2018 c1 Mr mister sandy head
OK you have me hooked already, looking forward to the next chapter.
6/25/2018 c1 1Stan Vanner
I'm very curious to know what happens next. please update soon.
6/24/2018 c1 hinatayvonne
sounds interesting but will hinata naruto and kurma be like the parents

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