Just In
for Carry On My Wayward Son

2/11 c20 ArduinoRoxx
Wow, Percy extinguished the fire, captures a soldier which gives them crucial information about the plans, he helps with the water situation by purifying it, he leads the battle and wins it, almost capturing azula, breaks the siege as a result, and the payment he receives for all this is being kicked out for being a deadweight.

Omashu deserves to burn and rot.
1/28 c7 Guest
Edgy boy arite this bad fic
1/23 c21 Naedine-Daki
I’m amazed by your writing and the way your story left such a powerful impression on me. I believe it has the potential to shine as a comic, and I’d love to discuss that with you. As a commission-based digital artist with a background in comic collaborations, I’d be excited to work with you.
Let’s connect on Discord: lishafang or Twitter: Pelu_Oficial123.
1/21 c21 ireadtoofastformyowngood
update please?
1/16 c21 21DanTeaThree
12/19/2024 c21 GaWa3n50
I need more of this ASAP
12/17/2024 c21 HelloEver22
Im intrigued to what June will do from here
11/29/2024 c13 omiguh
I feel like you changed the ages of percy and suki in this chapter. Im almost certain the age gap was only 3 years
11/21/2024 c21 1hellfire45
Good chapter and I can’t wait to see what happens next
11/19/2024 c21 DeathCrawler
nice chapter look forward the next one
11/11/2024 c21 Omega Rasengan
Good chapter can’t wait for more

Also percy’s eyes are sea green which is a similar colour to turquoise, so they wouldn’t look common at all since he’d have rare looking eyes
11/4/2024 c5 Toomuchtime
Hey, just wanted to say, having read a couple of your works over the years, thank you.
I'm always delighted to see you including the last bits of a previous chapter at the start of a new one.
Helps me a lot to get back into a story's flow.

Considering I must have read more than 1 mill words of yours truly, might I ask for some way to support you?
Maybe I haven't searched enough, you might have a link or something in your bio or so.
Anyway, thank you so much for sharing your pieces of art.
And yes, even the objectively most awefull romance trash fic would be considered art.
To br clear, this one ain't that awefull tradh kind :)
11/3/2024 c21 Jerrydamaster
Its crazy to me how this fic is what had me watch avatar the last airbender for tbe first time after so many years growing up avoiding it, and now its one of my favorite shows ever. I remember looking at the comments and peoplewere pissed off that zuko was killed off, and i only realized their anger after watching the show cuz i didn’t realize bro was that much of a goat lol. Honestly the best character in the show too
10/31/2024 c21 Guest
Oh man you have no idea how excited I was to see that this story had updated. You always do such great work. I am excited to see what Iroh will do in the future. I kind of hope there is like an Opheus kind of resurrection of Zuko but if not then I am excited to see how it continues forwards.
10/30/2024 c6 KaidoFett
Damn poor zuko fav character just gone
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