Just In
for The Inevitability of Oversight

7/6/2022 c40 IntelEwok
I loved it very much, awesome chapter!
7/5/2022 c40 badkidoh
Good chapter.
7/5/2022 c40 57Death Fury
Excellent chapter
7/5/2022 c40 Lamelinam
A chapter building on the thematic of freedom, ending with this wonderful, powerful moment of recognition and sharing in a half-forgotten language.

The tension running in Palpatine's office! I just can't...

That man is a snake and I hate him, but...
"Who indeed?" Palpatine asked with a deadpan look"... pffft! He is such a great villain. And I admit he made me laugh.

Another great chapter! I can't wait to see the repercussions of Palpatine's realisation and Anakin's realisation that Palpatine has realized. I can't wait to see the gala and I'm crossing my fingers for a cameo from Padme.

This story is just amazing. You write masterful character development. Anakin has come so far, and this is reflected in his approach of the Force.
7/5/2022 c40 26MissMary
love how the tension is growing here
7/5/2022 c40 Rev
Excellent writing of Palpatine here. Motives within motives.
7/5/2022 c40 11stars90
Excellent work, as usual. I'm very intrigued by what this Anakin will do with a connection to the slave trail. And Palpatine offering to let him kill Taa... that should be interesting
7/5/2022 c40 5Dragon lord Syed 101
Good chapter interesting to see how Anakin's Vader knowledge is affecting things.
7/5/2022 c40 ShnabS
'biologically female' really?
7/5/2022 c40 5ShadowLDrago
Orn Free Taa. I don't see a lot done with him. Usually because he's just another incredibly corrupt politician. Still, good to see Anakin making steady steps towards progress.
7/5/2022 c40 Jtoom
I love the whole slave creole section, great chapter as always.
7/4/2022 c40 shukkets
7/4/2022 c40 Scarease
Info on Corrupt Senator or Slavery ring connect to one is good thing you should jumping with joy .If it removes one of Sidious puppets even if minor one or just removes some scumbag then that good thing.
Keep it up .
7/4/2022 c40 6fan-rei
Do I need to worry about the spy playing it both way?
7/4/2022 c40 Tigerof2000
THanks for the notifcation and even more amazing chapter. I have been recomending this to one of my friends for him to read in his free time as the therapy chapters are so fun to read. Hope your life shall always be a good life.
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