Just In
for Eyes of the Soul

1/18 c13 Inavaris
Hello, I already knew your fic, but knowing the time it takes between chapter and chapter given its individual length (something I really like) I decided to leave it on pause, I think the last updated chapter I had read was when Neji is the focus of attention and begins to discover the truth after the fall of the Uchiha Clan, having said all that, this comment is to, first, declare that I love your fic and I hope you take it to the end and secondly, to say that the Chapter 13 is my favorite, the way you wrote Itachi's confession was sublime, I loved it and I will continue rereading it (yes, I started your fic again from chapter 1 and I'm going to start chapter 14 right now), it will take me a few It will take me a few days to get online with the fic, but it will definitely come, greetings ; )
1/18 c34 zarg0n
Honestly, while the story is good your chapters are far too big.

While i read them fully at first I've started to just scroll through them to random points and stopping to read a few sentences to see if anything interesting is happening before scrolling through the chapter again before switching/skipping the chapter entirely.

My honest take is that you need to learn how to pace and condense your chapters better, not many people are willing to read through chapter after chapter that's lenghty enough to be a final thessis for a medical PhD.
1/12 c34 1SuperKaiokenGoku
The malenia reference goes crazy here.
12/30/2024 c15 5DD-Returns101
Now idk if it’s been written or not cause of the chapter I’m on but I got an idea for Itachi…. Itachi: BANKAI!: Martyr of my family…,, Susanoo!
12/23/2024 c34 2Elizabeth loines
God this story keeps getting better and better. Ive been reading it for a while and this is my most recent re read and its an amazing experience every time!
12/4/2024 c34 7Crossovernaru
First off, congrats on this amazing chapter.

It starts slowly but then gains momentum until it reaches an explosive conclusion. What's even more impressive is that this is only the first act, and we have many more intense moments/battles before we reach this arc's ultimate climax.

I also love how you jump between multiple perspectives throughout the chapter, not just between different characters fighting in different areas, but also between characters' perspectives within the same battle. It offers a unique viewing experience.

We also got to see a few returning characters and see just how much they measure up against the Soul Society's forces, as well as certain characters unleashing powers that were never shown in the anime, like Ginrei's bankai, which possesses quite the interesting ability.

Overall, I was expecting a lot of things, but you still managed to catch me by surprise in this chapter. You've done a great job setting things up and I look forward to seeing what happens next.
11/19/2024 c3 Luthanora
Gosh your laying it on think in this, i get you eant to pair itachi and yoruichi but your ignoring their character, and itachi having long winded converstions so early is bizare
11/12/2024 c34 newboy
I really enjoy your story, my favorite is actually Jiraiya and his growth and development, although Itachi is good too.

I am somewhat surprised that with all of Jiraiya breaking past molds, and developing his gifts beyond the limits he set for himself in life,(like gaining Manda as a summons) he has not yet tried to complete the rasangan like naruto did. The rasangan was incomplete, it was meant to be combined with elemental chakra. When naruto did that with wind he developed the Rasenshuriken. When he further combined that with Natural energy he was actually able to throw it. Jiraiya was always aware that the rasengan was incomplete, and he knew that elemental chakra was meant to be combined with it, but in life, he never tried to do that himself. Granted he now has spiritual energy rather than chakra, but he has regained the use of the rasengan, and elemental attacks, and his nature energy. Perhaps he can start trying to experiment with ways to complete the rasengan too?

Also I like how he is slowly developing a better relationship with Manda then Orochimaru ever did. It starts with really showing Manda whose boss, which Orochimaru never did, as long as Manda did what Orochimaru wanted, he let Manda get away with a lot. Then you need to be nice to him(or in Manda's case give him a chance to go after prey he would never be able to catch himself.) Something else Orochimaru never really did. He was powerful yes. but going out of his way to punch outside his weight class was not his usual style. Jiraiya is doing those things, and it seems Manda is developing more of a respect for him for it. Something tells me that over the course of the war, that just might continue.
11/7/2024 c34 BobTheSkrull
Finally caught up, and I gotta say, masterfully done. I'm always personally hesitant when a fic reaches outside its labeled crossovers for recognizable characters or elements as you did with the House of the Dragon characters/references (haven't seen it so I only know the name style from a few GOT seasons), but the world you've constructed does an excellent job of supporting their weight. It was only possible through the sheer amount of effort and talent you've put in, and it shows.
11/6/2024 c33 BobTheSkrull
You know, for one brief moment, I misread Madara's meeting with the three morons as Fugaku meeting with them. For about ten minutes, I was freaking out, thinking that it all made sense as to why Madara was never mentioned by name even though there were only so many Rinnegan users, thinking of the implications of Fugaku having the Rinnegan, and looking back at every single scene he was in with new eyes. For a brief moment, I was thinking "holy shit, how long has this genius been planning this?"

Then I continued the scene and saw that Fugaku was in the room alongside the nameless advisor.

Still a genius and whatnot, but y'know. Bit of a self-boner kill there.
11/3/2024 c34 11Cloud Link Zero
Two weeks. It took two whole weeks of straight reading at all the moments I could devote to it to get through this beast of a fanfic and it was well worth it.

While some of the tropes wore themselves thin at times, the characterization and plot pulled it through.

Now there's only a little over 30 years left before canon rears it's head. Let us see the downfall of the defenders.
10/28/2024 c14 1Nai Darkor
Thank you for the levity.
10/28/2024 c13 Nai Darkor
my belief that I had to make ever decision,
- every

The greatest chapter in this story so far. I felt the raw emotion.
Thank you for this masterpiece!
10/28/2024 c12 Nai Darkor
Character growth and the beginning of overcoming trauma.
Wait do the Tailed-Beasts have a soul? Can Kurama come to Soul Society After Baryon?
10/27/2024 c34 6GlaringEyes
A fitting name for the chapter. Just as when Julius Caesar crossed the Rubicon, the point of no return of the war had been passed.

In a bit of good luck, Itachi and Mikoto had been spared from fighting Fugaku... for now. It'll inevitably happen when the war reaches the Drakken Principality, so they better be mentally prepared for it. You said before that this Uchiha affair will stretch far into the story, so I'm taking that Madara and his followers will survive the war and continue into the events of Bleach, right?

Even though the Thirteen Squads had acomplished to kill the Drakken Patriarch, a dragon and three Valkyries, this battle was still more of a victory to the rebels than else, since their leaders managed to escape and will probably head to their respective strongholds. The seized Drakken and Starmont estates and staffs in Sereitei were more of administrative nature. Their real power lies in their governed lands, where they'll have their large armies, their primary weapons (dragons and Vakyries) and the advantage of terrain (like the harsh weather in the North). And we still haven't seen Captains Drakken and Starmont's Bankais, so they can't die before they have the opportunity to show them off, right? On a side note, won't Captain Starmont fleeing from battle be seen as cowardice by Squad 11 and the Northerners and put a dent on the Starmonts' reputation?

Yamamoto had the chance to show off his Shikai against the leader of the Valkyries. Even if the circunstances weren't ideal, I'm quite sure he must have enjoyed a real battle in what must have been a very long time. Didn't expect for Jiraiya to bring in Manda of all his resources. The big snake is powerful, sure, but his large size also made him a large target against a smaller, but much faster oponent, like a Valkyrie. All in all, the battles were really great.

"A worthy end... thank you." I particularly don't consider being eaten by a giant snake a dignified way to go, but well...

I have a feeling that Visaelya and Saenenya will end up being the sole survivors of the Drakken Clan when all of this is over. And considering how close Sae is to Madara, the two girls will eventually end up in opposite sides of a future war (probably during the Bleach events). Hope you update it soon!
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