Just In
for Another Path

7/22/2018 c1 GenX567
( don’t watch the anime, so I’m not going to be able to review this story on content.)

One this a complete lie he has watched the anime. Two the world tag is completely useless given how Pokemon writers tend to mix and match the series. Nd due to the host of world executive characters.

(We have no idea unless you tell us what the new pokemon is. Summaries need to tell us more than just the genre. This clickbaity nonsense is really annoying.)

One one. That not a genre. Two that ruins the surprise, and three all summaries are meant to be clickbaity

(You wouldn’t capitalize animal or mouse or dragon, so you shouldn’t capitalize words like pokemon or pikachu or charizard. )

Actually you should capitalize them as its proper english. It's even canon in universe according to Game Freak.

(And of course it's the Mary Sue pokemon. You do know that ralts start out with no attacking moves, right?)

One that's just pure jerkry. Second Ralts does learn attacking moves at LV 1. Never mind that any egg moves, or moves that it's parent and it learns can also be with it when it hatches.
7/22/2018 c1 23St Elmo's Fire
I don’t watch the anime, so I’m not going to be able to review this story on content. Please tag your story as anime fic to avoid this problem. Find your story under “Manage Stories” and select it from the dropdown menu that says “World: Any” in the “Category” section.

[What if Ash loses his Pikachu and gains another pokemon as a result?]

We have no idea unless you tell us what the new pokemon is. Summaries need to tell us more than just the genre. This clickbaity nonsense is really annoying.

You wouldn’t capitalize animal or mouse or dragon, so you shouldn’t capitalize words like pokemon or pikachu or charizard. The only time you should capitalize it is if you’re using it as the pokemon’s name, ie, Ash’s pikachu is called Pikachu. This is because you only capitalize when it’s a proper noun, which are the names of places or things. Similar reasoning should be applied to any other words you’re thinking of capitalizing, like trainer or professor or gym.

...And of course it's the Mary Sue pokemon. You do know that ralts start out with no attacking moves, right? His pokemon journey is going to be painfully short unless he miraculously gets another pokemon that can actually fight.
7/22/2018 c1 Fire4Heaven
Seeing how you are new to the Pokemon fanfiction section (or maybe not) it will be targeted by a group of egomaniac jerks who preach a twisted idea of how fanfiction should be. St Elmo's Fire is very likely to be this user who will post a review and not care one bit about you're story. They literally do it to everyone and never really follow or read it.

St Elmo's Fire and his friends go around being just a bunxh of jerks to users. In short I suspect he would complain about your summaey, capitalixing the name of your Pokemon, and writing the story in a way that isn't prose or some other nonsense.

Thsts not counting what he does to other users. Demanding you use a tag that doesn't really fit, yell at you for not explaining everything in the first chapter, using speach phases other then said, making aus or just as simple as having your characters say "Oh Arceus".

The guys group (Farla, Talarc, The Reeds of Enki) is best to ignore or block as they really don't help and are bettered blocked. Now with that said welcome to Pokemon fandom.

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