Just In
for Blue Hearts Bleed Red

12/30/2022 c8 9John Smith
This is probably my favorite chapter yet. Tim finally starting to open up a bit more and explore the others a bit is refreshing. And Jason's backstory, especially with Bruce, is really sweet. I love it! If you ever continue this one I'd happily read, but if you don't then that's fine too. Thanks for writing this, it's a great idea!
12/30/2022 c7 John Smith
Another good chapter. I really love the friendship between Roy and Jason so much. It's so perfectly fitting for them. The way you portrayed Jason's feelings about Roy being a kind of preserved part of his life when it was better is beautiful and sad. Love it
12/30/2022 c6 John Smith
Awww they tried so hard to make it nicer, but it only got worse. Man, moments like this make it even more painfully apparent that Red Robin is the worst name ever. I love Red Robin as a hero, but that name is so uninspired. I'm personally partial to Cardinal, but I've seen Sparrow and a few other fan names floating around that would be good. Anyway, nice chapter. I hope they all get along a little better as time goes on.
12/30/2022 c5 John Smith
Aww that was heavy and sad. Poor Tim. I love the beauty you wove in the memories he explorers. I can see the nights on the farm, the boys trotting in the dark, or sitting in the tree. It's so touching and, in this case, haunting. The way you set up the Kent family is compelling too, even if quite sad. Great chapter again!
12/30/2022 c4 John Smith
Great great chapter. I LOVE the classical literature references and that Jason is a book nerd enough to understand them. That he's testing Tim is on point, and seeing him watch Tim lose time on the car ride was sad but interesting. Nice chapter!
12/30/2022 c3 John Smith
Awwww poor Tim. No wonder he's close with the Kents. For some reason that last line took me by surprise, and it really shouldn't have lol. His description of family being absence and argument is so tragic, this poor boy. I'm super happy to read your stories though because they always focus on healing. Can't wait to read more!
12/30/2022 c2 John Smith
Great chapter again! Jason's paranoia was a great setup to show his struggle with this situation, and I love the portrayal of Bruce here too. He's a good guy with a chip on his shoulder and a desire to see talent in his employ move ahead. It's a great way to give him some paternal qualities. Love this chapter so much. The Carrie mention was hilarious too by the way!
12/30/2022 c1 John Smith
Great first chapter! I really like the way you set the stage here and helped show what the au is. Your aus are more compelling than any others I've read, I think, for many reasons. The characterization here is great, and I particularly liked the relationship between Jason and Roy. Can't wait to see the others and what happens next!
6/12/2019 c8 2UnknownRyder
I love that you incorporated their vigilante names and a bit of their persona into a "not superheroes" story, especially Jason's. Also, when will Barabra and Stephanie (who could be a thief that Tim 'befriends') show? Will you add Terry McGinnis?
5/23/2019 c8 10Rehabilitated Sith
Ack...I need more! Sooooo, here's hoping that their new Gotham bomber isn't actually the same one as the one that got Conner...
5/23/2019 c3 Rehabilitated Sith
You've got my interest.
2/12/2019 c8 skatingandcruzing
wow I really like this! And Connor's death is so sad
10/30/2018 c8 Trivia's Ghost
I love it so much! i cannot wait for another update!
10/15/2018 c8 9IndigoElle
What a glorious day to see an update! I dove into this as soon as I saw it was posted, and it was totally worth the wait.

I really liked that we got to see what Tim went through with losing Conner. It showed so much of him and how Tim really isn't over it, and the pain is still real. Poor Tim tries to keep the struggle buried but he can't escape it when he's asleep. It makes my heart hurt to watch him hurting! Hopefully Jason will be able to help him with that eventually.

And speaking of Jason, oh my gosh. I love seeing him from Tim's perspective almost as much as I enjoy being in Jason's head. Tim is so observant that we can clearly see how Jason is to everyone else, and even though he may think he's hiding his issues, he's failing. I loved the case that Jason was reading about Felipe and how you threw that in there-very nice use of source material!

Also, the line about how Tim noticed Jason was holding his pen the same way as a cigarette was genius. It struck such a chord with me and it summed up Tim's observing skills perfectly.

The conversation that he had with Dick was so well done. We saw a serious side of Dick which I think is the first time we've seen him anything like that. Every character has their ticks and their mannerisms and it's great that each of them are so individualized. And I love that Dick didn't give everything away. I'm sure that the Red Hood nickname has something to do with Jason's time undercover, so I'm waiting for that reveal eagerly.

Thank you so much for an update! Can't wait for the next one when you have the time!
10/15/2018 c8 Fallingflames
This is fantastic. I can’t eait to keep reading
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