Just In
for From Heads Unworthy

12/18/2018 c12 LoveGoodWriting
Wonderful! Thank you for another many layered chapter.
12/7/2018 c10 Guest
Brilliant so far. Hope you update soon.
12/6/2018 c10 15darkwolflovesgirls
Ooohhh, what an interesting idea, love what you have so far! Can’t wait for the next chapter!
11/25/2018 c10 LoveGoodWriting
Thanks for another outstanding chapter. Their confidence really is outlandish ... And transformative.
10/12/2018 c9 Guest
Pretty good! A nice twist and nice writing. So well done it could be canon...if JKR didn't write for kids. Kudos!
10/11/2018 c9 13Jaely
Well now that is very interesting indeed.. until next time!
10/10/2018 c9 LoveGoodWriting
Good reminder of how shredded and complicated the world is for our ladies... thank you for another complex and heart rending chapter.
10/10/2018 c8 LoveGoodWriting
What a tender, relatable scene! Thank you.
10/10/2018 c9 Moonlightbaby36
Love the story so far.
9/29/2018 c7 Jaely
It’s interesting seeing Ron once again being relegated to being the odd man out in the group. Though I believe he feels that it should be Narcissa that should be now, since he and Hermione had a history together, yet that isn’t what is happening. I think Ron is realizing that it will never be him that Hermione ‘chooses’ and that has to be a hard pill to swallow for him. Great chapter, I’m looking forward to more.
9/25/2018 c7 LoveGoodWriting
Outstanding chapter. Their grief and exhaustion ring so true, and I have such hope!
9/25/2018 c1 pangaokao
love this story
9/22/2018 c6 Guest
Brilliant work so far, love the dynamic building. Hope for a new chapter soon.
9/20/2018 c6 daly
...just ...stupid Ron
read you later, I hope you are fine!
9/16/2018 c6 Guest
Nice, I liked Narcissa's adventures in the Muggle world.
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