Just In
for Novocaine

1/19 c1 3RandomGerman
Oooh, I remember this story. I have read it twice already and love it A LOT! THANKS for sharing
1/6 c18 Ballas333
I don't get it. There have been at least a couple times where Harry complains about how the adults in his live failed him and how the ministry is basically useless. But as soon as adults working in the ministry (adults Harry likes I might add) take steps to improve magical London after the war (which is the same goal as Harry and the GSC) they get all huffy about it and start losing their minds saying how 'terrible' it is! Why? Because they had the audacity to not tell the main character about it first? I get that Daphne would most likely react harshly because it's been established that this kind of thing really affects her. But everyone else should see this as a golden opportunity. Pun intended. I don't understand how the opportunity of one maybe two ventures in France is wonderful, but the chance to improve the reputation of basically the entirety of the next street over comprised mostly of buildings you own is some political move that mudt be maneuvered around. Just say, 'Oh no we got blindsided again. We got lucky that it was in our favor this time, but next time we might not be so lucky, so let's double down on finding our inside man while we take the opportunity to help further improve the new Alley' and move on. But also I'm a little surprised the new name didn't follow the name scheme. Diagon Alley is diagonally, Knocturn Alley is nocturnally. You could have easily 'flipped the script' and called it Diurn Alley (diurnally) which is active during the day as opposed to nocturn's active during the night.
10/1/2024 c25 Aldy 97
This story had soo much potential, but it was ruined as it developed.

You handled the Harry being a Lord trope so well, but it was very OOC that he became so good at it that fast, together with him fully trusting so many people he didn't previously now so quickly, while tossing aside his friends. I get the "we went through a war, we are mature adults please" reasoning, but this was set just after a month, for the goddess's sake.

It's very disappointing that Hermione and Luna weren't more involved. They could've been a great addition to the Institute plot.

It would have been great to know in advance that the fic isn't complete.
9/8/2024 c25 rune1806
A great story! Thanks for sharing it with us.
8/30/2024 c3 RandomGerman
Very happy to have stumbled upon this excellent story once again
8/27/2024 c5 Lawhai
I have always been partial to the idea that house elves do get paid, just in some form that makes sense to them but not too wizard and witches.

Just because humans value gold doesn't mean house elves would as well.

So yeah, I like your version of them.
8/10/2024 c25 Issei Uzumaki
So much potential but ruined with a krum / granger relationship. That is just terrible they have nothing in common.
8/3/2024 c17 4Aaran St. Vines
The best explanation of Mama Zabini I've read in fnfiction. Very well developed. A black widow we can hav sympathy for.
7/23/2024 c25 WhatHaveIDiscovered
Don't know how many solely post-hogwarts stories i've read, but i think this one jumps to the top. Seeing how you've had them deal with a post canon wolrd is very intriguing. I love everything Harry is trying to do. The ending does seem a little off to me. Even knowing that the story continues, this doesn't feel like a conclusion for some reason. Maybe it's just because so much get spooled up in this last chapter, then it ends, but i kept waiting for the other shoe to drop. Am looking forward to the continuation though. Well done overall and thanks for sharing!
7/19/2024 c21 csheila

Please show when she meets Newt
7/19/2024 c19 csheila
Excellent idea
7/19/2024 c12 csheila
The journey is always one of the best parts
7/18/2024 c5 csheila
Nicely done and realistic
7/18/2024 c3 csheila
I mix this u with another story where inherited ex-Slytherins as slaves. This is friendlier
7/18/2024 c2 csheila
Powerfully done.
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