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for Is It Wrong to be From A Ruined World?

8/6/2018 c1 Crusader King
I need more please
8/6/2018 c1 Sly Marbo
8/6/2018 c1 Big E
Stop tormenting the poor Terrans or I’ll stab you in the face like I did to get Magnus’s soul back, you abominable Warp spawn. Go bother the Eldar.
8/6/2018 c1 Guest
You can't outrun a Cazadore there way to fast, realistically if he can't kill it he's done especially if he get's poisoned. Hate those things, there worse then Deathclaws.
8/5/2018 c1 59ptl
Will the Courier join an OC god/goddess’ minor Familia? Or be just allies from the Hestia one. I’d like to see his encounter with Hephaestus.
8/4/2018 c1 Ph0enix17
I'm interested in this fic.
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