Just In
for The Sign

11/13/2022 c30 Mewpagano
i love all the serie! so good!
9/4/2022 c30 Dawn Coffin
I read all your fics this weekend and loved them all, but especially Healing and The Sign. I love stories from right after the battle and these really hit the spot! Thank you for great writing!
12/3/2020 c30 16AzureAlquimista
Hermione and Ron are so sweet...

Good fic!
12/3/2020 c29 AzureAlquimista
Lol... So funny!
12/3/2020 c25 AzureAlquimista
Lol... Three idiotic d.e. being caught.
12/3/2020 c19 AzureAlquimista
Wonderful weeding. I love Celtic traditions!
12/3/2020 c10 AzureAlquimista
A funny and sweet chapter.
12/2/2020 c9 AzureAlquimista
Neville is so sweet... But poor Luna!...
12/2/2020 c3 AzureAlquimista
Mmm... Interesting and original fic.
11/17/2020 c29 Leessa13
O.O it's over?
Nooo... I need more!
(Loving it! ;) )
5/12/2020 c25 1JamesTKent
5/11/2020 c25 2Beedle
Ooh, this was terribly tense! I loved the beginning, when everyone sensed something was off - such an electric atmosphere.
Go the Weasley Clan!
5/10/2020 c11 welcome007
5/10/2020 c10 welcome007
luna is the best
5/10/2020 c9 welcome007
make luna happy
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