Just In
for The Sign

5/10/2020 c8 welcome007
5/10/2020 c7 welcome007
the concept is amazing
5/10/2020 c6 welcome007
5/10/2020 c5 welcome007
nice house
5/10/2020 c4 welcome007
5/10/2020 c3 welcome007
5/10/2020 c2 welcome007
5/10/2020 c1 welcome007
1/23/2020 c24 2Beedle
Oh gosh - poor Charlie. This was a really good chapter. I wasn't expecting such hidden tragedy. And I love that this chapter was all about Charlie's history, because we never hear anything much about him.
1/23/2020 c23 Beedle
Ooh, interesting! I wonder what Charlie was alluding to there? A secret romantic history? I am intrigued.

I'm glad Harry came round and realised what Ginny really wanted. Simplicity and a minimum of fuss is definitely better than one massive occasion after another.
1/23/2020 c22 Beedle
I keep missing your updates for this! I rarely check my ff email, so missed all the notifications.

It's so sad about Hermione's parents endingup in Australia. I hope, in this, you can bring them back over to England and make them part of Hermione and Ron's future life. That would be lovely to see.
12/13/2019 c24 chrisw
I loved every single chapter, thanks so much for a wonderful story
11/8/2019 c22 chrisw
I loved each and every chapter
10/19/2019 c21 Beedle
Ah, those few happy days of solitude...they'd better treasure them, 'cause I doubt they'll get all that much privacy after this for a while! This was lovely to read, I particularly enjoyed the tea scene...the little things that show how long Harry has been 'noticing' Ginny! The shower bit made me laugh, too.
And, mmm, Kreacher's food makes me want my own house elf!
10/19/2019 c20 Beedle
Oh, I thought this was finished! Happy days, finding another two chapters have been added! :)
This one was a fun read, you got Rita's very recognisable writing style down pat. I do think you have a very versatile writing style, you're great at assuming difference voices.
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