Just In
for Silence of the Lamb

12/15/2020 c1 SleepEludesMe
Aww.. I loved this so so much, Well done you, will read the sequel
12/14/2020 c4 SleepEludesMe
I'm enjoying this so much :D I love your take on the joker, and that you haven't made him soft. Awesome
9/9/2019 c16 1smokey-eyed amazon warrior
The Bat-Man and the Joker working together? I love it.
9/9/2019 c15 smokey-eyed amazon warrior
I don't understand why this story has such few reviews. The plot thus far has been excellent. Even Joker and Mia's relationship has been well characterized. She didn't fall for him willy-nilly and is by no means a masochist. She's strong, and well aware of his faults. But, they do understand one another. They are different with one another. I'm enjoying the story so far.
3/26/2019 c1 123ZabuzasGirl
2/25/2019 c23 Guest
Yes,continue please :)
1/19/2019 c22 PaulinaDragona
I like your fiction !
12/14/2018 c22 Shay Elle
This was a great read. I don't really go looking for something to read on the Batman category anymore, cus I feel like I've read everything, this was one someones Favourite List. This really was perfect to me~
12/14/2018 c4 DarksideAngels
This story looked really interesting at first, but the grammar is all over the place. "Do never?" I hope you were trying to mean Don't ever but who knows? I guess I can continue to read this and hope for the best.
11/25/2018 c21 Guest
Don't want this story to end :(
11/25/2018 c21 safire08
lovely chapter but I'm scared of what is going to happen to Mia :( perhaps shot by Bane's man or she decides to stay with the Joker?
11/21/2018 c20 safire08
thank you for this chapter!
loved it!
11/10/2018 c19 Guest
Love this story!
10/25/2018 c16 20MissSparrow101
Ooh it seems the Joker is starting to care... please update soon!
10/21/2018 c1 Greenj3llo85
Really loving this story! Thanks for the update.
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