Just In
for Aftermath

3/25/2022 c1 105shadowgirl999
I love the way you described her body being scarred and sunburned from being in the bikini. It makes a lot of sense that a skimpy bikini made of gold and brass would cause some major skin damage from how much skin it exposes and how it channels the heat. This kind of makes my teenage fantasies of wearing it at the beach kind of painful...
4/18/2021 c1 Guest
This was really good, I enjoyed it.
11/15/2018 c1 2The Imitation Wizard
Great story! I loved it! Bravo!
9/1/2018 c1 149rebecca-in-blue
This is such a lovely, tender story. You write Han and Leia's dialogue each so well (I totally heard this in their voices), and I really love the way you capture the love between them. Han's reaction when he sees Leia's body, his hurt when she mentions Luke - I love that you have them actually talk about things like this, and I think it shows how much they care about each other almost more than anything in the movies. "Okay hotshot, you're in charge" - I loved this line from Leia; she was always so independent that it was a big step to let herself be vulnerable with Han.

P.S. I'm here reviewing you for the review-a-thon at the Caesar's Palace forum! Come drop by sometime, all fandoms welcome :)
8/16/2018 c1 35justinegraham
Oh, what a gorgeous little fic! I love it to bits. Thank you for sharing!
8/16/2018 c1 45erindarroch
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww, this is just THE BEST. Exactly what I needed to read this morning. I adore this time period and don't see nearly enough of it for my taste. I like how you get straight into the story, too, and tell it so succinctly.

I actually laughed aloud when I read this:

*He especially made sure to spend a generous amount of time on her breasts.
"Hey I need to make sure these were taken care of."
Leia rolled her eyes but Han could see the smile creeping on her face.*

I love Han's cranky vulnerability, and Leia's direct approach to setting his mind at ease.

Thank you so much for this delectable snippet. More please!
8/14/2018 c1 9friskynotebook
CASS THIS IS SO GOOD! Thank you so much for this fantastic birthday fic—it's everything I love in a story. I love how Han's jealousy is addressed, and they're both so tender with each other. Excellent work!

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