Just In
for Of Ninjas and Shadows

12/8/2023 c1 1bibink729
12/3/2022 c4 1jamthacreator
This story is awesome, hope you are well author! Its be amazing to see this finished if you still plan on writing for it!
1/5/2021 c1 CORSPE
wtf i dont understand
12/10/2018 c2 THEBOSS2323454
When Kakashi said “your teammates are your most valuable assets”, we can all agree that with team 7 only one of their teammates is valuable/useful and that is Sasuke. I mean, Sakura is almost as useless as a kunai, shuriken, or naruto before he still the scroll of sealing
12/4/2018 c4 FinalBossValvoga
I like your story, hope you continue
9/16/2018 c1 arckane
Hopefully hes smart and actually like a nara otherwise what was the point of making him a nara in the first place
9/15/2018 c4 GunBlade2024
Hi there

Very rare to see Kushina alive, but not Naruto's mother. Was an OC Naruto mother?

Also,does this mean that Uzu was not destroyed? I didn't read that in previous chapters (I think).

Anyway, keep up the good work!
9/14/2018 c4 Yami-daseith
Ok I am liking it I do think Naruto should have more chakra not stupid amounts like some authors do and say its the Kyuubi and his uzumaki blood, but like a jonnin because cannon Naruto could spam shadow clones as he mostly did because that’s all he could do really
8/27/2018 c3 GunBlade2024
Hi there

No idea about 'swimming duck', but keep the story as it is , and you can use what you like :-)

Keep up the good work!
8/27/2018 c3 Yami-daseith
I like it, though I don’t get why Naruto and Sasuke hate each other I mean seriously did something happen that you will reveal later or what. Anyway looking forward to what next.
8/24/2018 c2 Big Baken
8/23/2018 c2 6papapryce
Great story, hope to see more,
Your Papa,
8/19/2018 c2 Yami-daseith
Great Chapter though Naruto seemed more arrogant than lazy idk which you were trying to go for it is still good.
8/19/2018 c1 Yami-daseith
I like it, but even though I get he is a kid and has been raised by himself if your going to make him a Narra make him a Narra or just leave him an Uzumaki and give him a shadow bloodline, I am not trying to flame or anything just saying commit to what you are trying to make the story so yeah Narra attributes hair, eyes, and IQ
8/17/2018 c1 illiterate newbie
Fantastic, been a while since a fic got me hooked to read more, great job so far.
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