Just In
for Serendipity Syrup

10/9/2019 c1 65Ruby4Life101
Now we understand Pigwidgeon! Haha!
2/22/2019 c1 10Erelil Awarthiel
Hullo! It is Erelil from the Reviews Corner here! Just wanna say happy birthday in advance, and I wish you a good birthday, when it comes around. This story was sweet (just like syrup lol). Your writing is good, with details and a rich language. I like it and I like your plot, though I did not expect that ending haha. I can imagine Muriel getting quite the scare when she noticed the turtle! First I thought it would involve Percy in some way, perhaps something happening near the pond. Actually, come to think of it, it would be quite interesting to know if something happened at the pond xD Also, I learned a new word today thanks to this story, and it did put me in a good mood. Thank you for writing it!

- EA
9/20/2018 c1 2Beedle
Heehee. I had to read this after Serendipity Syrup came into Healing. VERY cute. Makes me want a turtle...
The best bit for me? Molly telling the twins exactly what they could not do with the turtle around Percy. "Do not go near Percy. Do not allow the turtle to get near Percy. Do not speak to or even point that creature in the direction of Percy." - that was hilarious. I can't even imagine being mother to young Fred and George and trying to constantly keep the peace between them and their siblings...she has to have her wits about her, that's for sure.
One typo I noticed, you have 'compact' instead of what I assume should be 'contract'.
Anyway, this was fun!
8/25/2018 c1 nunariginal
Awww, this is such a cute story.

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