Just In
for The Prince's Diaries

5/30/2020 c1 12vcdbtch
Bro I agree, Scott Morrison just fucked off to Hawaii in the middle of the bushfires leaving us Aussies to fend for ourselves smh
3/17/2020 c1 1THGHPTVD.2
Is there any chance at another chapter? Maybe years later after in the lead up to his coronation after Gaius .. retires? (Is that the right word?) Thank you for writing
9/10/2018 c1 1Ellie68
9/5/2018 c1 21TabithaHallows
This is very likely the cutest thing I have ever read in my entire life. It's so fucking funny and just Jesus taKE THE WHEEL
9/5/2018 c1 TabithaHallows
MeSees obvious dig at Tony Abbott*
MeImmediately hearts and follows author*
8/24/2018 c1 10MusicalsandMordred
Awesome! Very in character with a lot of feels and eventual happiness!
I really love how you fit everyone into the storyit worked really well!
I also really loved Mordred as a beauticianXD
8/23/2018 c1 spyinsecret007
This is a very great story. The one where you will look back and smile because of the feeling it brought to you. Sigh. Thank you so much

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