Just In
for Sea of Souls

10/23/2018 c3 4Loldino
waiting for zoro to get lost to soul society
10/23/2018 c3 hebihanshu123352
This chapter was amazing. Keep up the good work and please update soon
10/23/2018 c3 1buterflypuss
good chap
10/23/2018 c3 nightmaster000
Okay not going to lie really loved the turn this story took. It went in direction I wasn't expecting, and I loved it! :)
10/23/2018 c3 Lazymanjones96
Interesting stuff looking forward to more
10/23/2018 c3 musizlover2008
Cool. A smash and grab. Aizen will be soo ticked off for this humiliation. He just got back after pulling off a badass villain reveal and escape only to have his HQ invaded, robbed, and his mode of escape ruined. Yep, the butterfly effect of the Straw Hats actions are truly something be in awe of. Nice work.
10/23/2018 c3 asighoaighnqllg
Did Luffy eat the Hogyoku? Ahahaha. This is great!
10/23/2018 c3 158Emma Iveli
Okay that ending... that ending! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! This story is only just beginning, so it will take a lot to become the best Bleach Crossover I have ever read, but it might make it there...
10/23/2018 c3 Val'Hor
THIS IS SUUUUUUUPEEEEER ! Update soon please, I couldn't stop laughing throughout the story and the last chapter seems to be a really funny one ! I would love to see Aizen's face when he goes from smug and invulnerable to whatever state he'll be in in front of the seireitei when the negacion stops working ! Mwahahaha ! XD
Keep up the good work !
10/23/2018 c3 Speed Reader
Would I be correct in assuming the "candy" Luffy swallowed is some sort of Devil Fruit equivalent? Otherwise, fantastic chapter. As always the personalities are spot on, and everyone's comments on the place were hilarious!
10/23/2018 c3 138Toaneo07 Ver2.0
10/23/2018 c3 6Lightningblade49
That's a way to avoid Aizen unknowingly completely cuck him...rofl what a great chapter to read :)
10/23/2018 c3 oblivionknight7
Wow, what a mess they made, and if I'm correct the stopped Aizen from doing his dramatic exit from Soul Society after his reveal.
10/23/2018 c3 Jordansdevil
Hahaha that is so luffy just to eat a random thing he found, thanks for the update!
10/23/2018 c3 SilentXD7
Amazing chapter keep the good work. Oh My FUCKING GOD LUFFY ATE THE GOD DAMN Hougyoku! Well looks like Luffy is going to become a transcending being lololololol. I also hope he gets his gears especially gear fourth.
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