Just In
for Sea of Souls

8/24/2018 c1 HeDzuRo
I just hope it will retain it's humorous nature
8/24/2018 c1 dbrown95
Dang, so there's 10 of them and 4 are vasto Lorde so, like they're as strong as the regular espada at the very least.
8/23/2018 c1 vadrulesall
Good idea
8/23/2018 c1 8Anycents
I really enjoyed the beginning of this story, seeing the Straw Hats standing together through adversity and it doesn't get much more adverse then this.
So, do Nami and Zoro get big fluffy ears when they unlock their power (like grimmjow)?
8/23/2018 c1 7Crossovernaru
This looks very interesting. I took a look at their designs on Deviant Art and I gotta say they look incredible. I was also intrigued by the emotional responses and attitudes of the Straw hats as Hollows.

I am curious, will any other OP characters be appearing later in the story, or is it just the Straw Hats? Also are there any planned pairings?

I can't wait to see what kind of chaos the Straw Hats will cause. Keep up the good work.
8/23/2018 c1 yukina140292
ok. interesting story! update more please.
8/23/2018 c1 1buterflypuss
8/23/2018 c1 Speed Reader
This is wonderful. It's serious, but not as tragic as previous stories. A truly marvelous beginning.
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