Just In
for The Huntsman of Red V2

2/5 c69 Bloody painter fanfics
No puedo esperar para la siguiente parte.
1/25 c69
Man... This history goes hard!
1/21 c69 Guest
Classic EMIYA mass manipulation of the heroes party and making yourself the villain.

1/18 c69 MidnightServantLancer
1/18 c69 Carlom2408
When did you start writing Fate-Lost Time?
1/18 c1 Carlom2408
Please continue Fate-In Time: Chaldea Alternative Records
1/16 c69 2theMoon
damn, now what
1/15 c69 Guest
Not bad. The plot went the way of Bloodborne
1/14 c69 imaginaRY DERby
Guess that Beacon Dance after the Vytal Festival ain't happening, eh? If it does, that dance will be real somber.

I also want to see the post reaction of people actually connecting the dots that Shirou was actually beside Ruby the entire time and she wasn't talking to a ghost. That'll be hilarious.
1/14 c69 8The Keeper of Worlds
Holy shit…..Just…damn that’s wild.
1/14 c69 keybladelight
Well great chapter shirou's fake death is perfect can wait to see the next chapter. Can wait to see what shirou left to his students to train hope he left excalibur so that ruby use it but if she as the conditions to wield it.
1/14 c69 7RedHood001
So it happened just as Ruby thought it would... Or what her future self wrote it would.

Thank you for the update! I want to tell you that email notifications, at least on my end, seem to be down. Hope everything is doing well for you, Parcacious!
1/14 c69 M2R
1/14 c69 Wolf1741
Another great chapter
1/13 c69 Lazy Servant
Thanks for the chapter.
This is a big moment for Remnant.
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