Just In
for Seals are Easy, People are Hard

It happens...and completely understandable...thank you for sharing your story with us
10/5 c25 Awkward level
It happens, completely understandable, you don't owe us anything, great story tho
10/5 c25 SecretSloth01
not happy u ended it like that but i understand and thought it was a fantastic read
9/27 c25 HyperionATLAS
god damn this would have been amazing to see written out but as it is the summary will have to suffice, thanks what you've put out so far it's been an enjoyable read!
9/20 c25 Greycait
I am curious, what were you planning to do with the little fox-Naruto that was with Kurama?
9/17 c5 Guest
Haha haha I can't for this versions shippuden! All the lemony goodness from a teen/older naruto!
9/3 c25 Don-7
Honestly glad that you never finished this story. What you summarized here would have honestly killed my love for the fic. It's bad. Really bad.
9/1 c25 22Pallan Minerva
Had this open for months from chapter one, because when I saw those first words of this last chapter, I knew I needed to experience it one more time. You created something wonderful here. Thank you for having done so.
8/28 c25 1101axel
I'm not sure I liked how the story was going to turn out, so I'm kinda happy you stopped when you did.
8/28 c25 Shadowking94
Hello, I'm sorry to see this story end. Thank you for the laughs and excitement that I experienced reading this story.
8/22 c23 Apollodorus13
Man, im sad this is over. I would have loved to see some more of Dragon. Im sure his Papa dynamic would have rubbed off well on Naruto and he might have adopted it for the village as he started ascending the ranks.

Papa Hokage. Woulda been hilarious for a very serious teenager to do that but
8/22 c1 1ncarnation
I love all your stories very much thank you for writing them
8/19 c24 FlawedBauthor
How's life when you're retarded?
8/18 c1 1eyboT
Its sad that we will jever get a proper end to this incredible piece of fanfiction.
8/13 c1 Jaydee4
Hello vast emptiness of the void, instead of saying surrogate grandson, itd make a lot more sense for you to write unofficial grandson, since by both definitions of surrogate, Naruto is neither releated to Hiruzen in any way, nor is Hiruzen using Naruto as a substitute grandson, since he already has one.
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