Just In
for New Blood

1h c567 LeightonWD
brilliant work. thank you
4h c567 5Debate4life
So happy to see this updated again
6h c567 1Arekanderu
In case the reviews ever start working again I loved the latest chapter
10h c567 1anonymousvoice
Omg I love how different the water elemental is compared to the others for her. I can just picture Harry’s grin pulling this off during the second task. (Assuming the plan works)
16h c567 evattude
Yes! I'm glad they solved it. I'm also glad luna told daphne her assault wasn't a fated event though if the idea that good came from makes her feel better than I'm happy she feels better. A random thought, if Snape said that hermione could have challenged Cassius cause daphne is under her protection then will she be able to use this to protect others who are under their protection. I'm also glad women had the tea to get rid of unwanted pregnancy (moody or whoever he is should be aware why he as a man wouldn't know it)
16h c566 evattude
Great chapter! Whoever made up this plan even though it's wrong (I'm kinda impressed)
16h c567 Ellie.Cast4
Thise damn Bagshot relations are hell, aren’t they?
Grindelwald wrecked the continent while a Squib distrupted generations, GENERATIONS of the populace. Oof, something to be said about that family.

Something tells me ol’ Rita will do some digging with Bathilda and won’t that be fun?

I adore the small scene at the lake. The explanation of her attempt and following along as she worked though it brought some lightness to an otherwise dark chapter.

Thanks for the update!
16h c564 Guest
Huh, I just noticed a problem with the timeline here after starting my 4th? 5th? reread. In Chapter 53 during Hermione's first year Lysander Lestrange is named as a prefect. Prefects are selected 5th year upwards. So like Jade Rince, who had been a new 5th year prefect back then, he should've already graduated by now. Was he held back? Is that so common?
18h c567 Guest
Interesting development! I wonder if Grindelwald will come out to play. For sure, this is not a mere coincidence.
9/11 c25 iechabee
This chapter never fails to make me grin wide! I always love Hermione's early tricks/deception
9/11 c567 iechabee
TEA! and yay another Harry Hermione scene, I miss them both doing activities together
9/10 c567 WaverWave
The mental image of our Harry excitedly, convincing his water elemental that this is going to be the coolest, raddest thing the black lake has ever done it actually insanely endearing.
9/10 c567 flight9
Love it!
9/10 c567 Lutehammer
By the power of ~Drama~ is the best reveal for how this is going to work. Excellent, 15/10 no notes.

And I love the reveals about the tea and the opportunity this will give to examine the squibs. I have been So desperately curious about them since Luna mentioned considering their cause. Any time Luna mentions something in passing, I sit up and start taking notes like a D&D player knowing the DM is coming back to this later.

Speaking of our favorite Little Moon - I very much appreciate her reassuring that this was a Fated Event, but that what happened to Daphne was not. It sucks and I am glad good came out of it, but Daphne should know that what happened to her was not fate. I love soft Luna and seeing that comforting moment felt good.

Thank you for writing!
9/10 c467 Guest
Please don’t give me a Drarry but please give me a Bromance of the ages
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