Just In
for The Whisky Distiller's Wife

1/21 c1 graycliffer
Such a lovely treat of a story, beautifully written. Ignore the intolerant guest whingeing about "commie propaganda"—ridiculous. Thank you for sharing your talent.
12/17/2024 c37 Guest
Commie propaganda deep in this fic. Yuck!
5/14/2024 c7 1Pia Athena BlackHeart
My sister studied her Masters in Glasgow and when she got back, she had a few scottish songs on her playlist. Seeing Caledonia reminded me of the times she sang this around me and how i started loving it too.
1/31/2024 c5 2ImYours1901
I am really enjoying reading this in a Scottish accent!
10/17/2023 c37 JaysWorld2
i absolutely loved this story from beginning to end. Thank you for sharing
8/9/2023 c37 ChrisDGoosey
The word that keeps coming to mind with this fic is ‘charming’. From start to finish. Perhaps some of it is because I am a Brit, but south if the birder. Nevertheless, I appreciate a well written Scottish voice. Lovely setting and loveable characters. Thank you.
7/19/2023 c37 katsword
I loved this so much I just reread the final chapter. Thank you.
6/4/2023 c37 Senorfrogs
12/5/2022 c37 Guest
One year to the date...
I miss your words, stories.
Maybe you'll give us a little more, soon.
Would love a peek of their HEA.
Thank you
11/26/2022 c37 Guest
Love coming back and reading this! Absolutely beautiful. Hope you are well. Thanks!
9/28/2022 c37 blargh
well written but the far left propaganda was so over the top i could barely finish this jerkoffery to utopian socialism
9/9/2022 c37 1Kesme
I loved this so much
9/7/2022 c37 Guest
This is sweet and lovely. I love Scottish edward and a strong, interesting Bella. Thanks for sharing!
8/23/2022 c37 Sophiabella
One of the best stories I've read. I loved every bit of it. Thank you for writing and sharing it with us!
6/11/2022 c37 twilightobession
I have truly enjoyed reading this story. You have done an awesome job. Thank you for sharing this wonderful story with us.
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