Just In
for The Personal Logs of Lieutenant Tuvix

12/16/2022 c1 blipsp
notice: plagiarism!

Hello, there was recently a Twitter thread posted about an author/publisher called Plush Books plagiarizing fanfic and selling it for profit on Amazon and Barnes & Noble. The good news is they weren’t at all subtle about it, and so their title “Personal Log: A Crewman's Story (Space Explorer)” was easy to identify as this fic.

You can see the twitter thread for links and more information, including how to file a copyright claim to get the stolen content taken down, as the original author: on twitter /KokomRoily/status/1603843494904270848

(I'd be happy to chat about this in DMs if you need to - I just made a FF account though so I can't send any DMs for 24 hours)
2/23/2022 c99 10Just a Crazy-Man
8/9/2019 c99 13Dark Patrician
I binged this story, and I really enjoyed it. Seeing Tuvix come in and fix some of the issues Voyager had or talk about them when the original writers ignored it made me smile.

Have you given any thought to doing more Tuvix logs? Not just the excellent epilogue "A Letter from T'Pel," but possibly logs covering what might have been, like what happened to Tuvix during The Year of Hell.

Either way, congratulations on a fantastic story.
7/15/2019 c2 20ColtKit Productions
Oh man,
I was all excited to read such a long fic about Tuvix...
All it is is a bunch of logs summarizing each episode instead of actually showing the new adventures or changes to canon adventures having Tuvix onboard would create...
I'm sure it is a fine fic but this really isn't for me.
4/6/2019 c98 5shesheinhouston
Fantastic story. Hopefully at some point a continuation of life in the Delta Quadrant with cameos by The Voyager crew as to what they have been up to.
4/2/2019 c99 72Beth6787
You have done us all proud with this epic tale.

I do hope that the creators of the Tuvix character have a chance to see how you have evolved him here. It was wonderful to see him given a five year life aboard Voyager and to know that he lives on with the Talaxian colonists.

I agree, fanfiction is the perfect platform to elaborate on themes introduced in a fleeting, episodic manner, in canon. Such is the nature of television series with stories - by necessity - truncated into a 45 minute slot : and hindsight gives a clearer view of the sensible sequence of events.

Another great epic, elevating Tuvix (along with Icheb & Mezoti in previous tales) to the role of a key character. Thank you so much !

4/1/2019 c98 6TLWtlw
Does the actual fate of Thomas Riker match up with your other stories like "In the Footsteps of Another"?
4/1/2019 c99 TLWtlw
I am so sad that this is completed.

I had thought perhaps Tuvix would have stayed with Tuvok because of the problems he will be facing. But then I realized that Tuvok would have not told anyone other than the Dr. at this point. Although it seemed Tuvix already had concerns that something might happen.
4/1/2019 c99 80tmtcltb-kals
What a wonderful ending! We knew that Tuvok was proud of his son, but to see it in writing and realize how much Tuvok was sacrificing, made Tuvix's departure that much more poignant. Thank you once again for writing a fantastic story that made me re-evaluate what I know and what I love about this show, while highlighting a character who disappeared far, far too early.
4/1/2019 c98 tmtcltb-kals
I am seriously tearing up. For some reason it never occurred to me that Tuvix would stay with Neelix, rather than moving on with Voyager, even though it is an incredibly natural decision. I have to really commend you for the way that you have changed and modified his character over time. At the beginning of this story, Tuvix reminded me much more of Tuvok, but over time it became clearer and clearer that he had just as much of Neelix in him. I really loved the conversation with Mezoti as well.
4/1/2019 c97 72Beth6787
I agree, under these particular circumstances I think the Prime Directive can be put aside, though you do a very good job of justifying Janeway’s adherence by elaborating on the scenes in canon.

The idea of incorporating the ancient corridor network from “Dragons’ Teeth” to explain the appearance of Talaxians this far from their home system was inspired. If only they had given us more of these little glimmers of continuity in canon, then Voyager would have had a more cohesive story arc on a par was DS9.

Such a shame that Dexa, Brax and the other colonists never had the chance to meet Tuvix or for him to maybe stay behind with Neelix too... ?...
3/31/2019 c97 80tmtcltb-kals
Here Tuvix seems to have no indication that his dad plans to stay. I am very interested to see how he handles the actual departure
3/31/2019 c96 tmtcltb-kals
As sad as I am, as I always am when I think about Joe dying, I really loved how you handled this. The Captain’s response felt very spot on. This death was a particularly hard one. I loved Tuvix’s idea of having the children come by to remind her of the good.
3/27/2019 c96 6TLWtlw
I'm glad of your explanation of why she said what she said at the end of the episode. It makes sense since she has suffered from depression before.
3/27/2019 c96 72Beth6787
I’m glad you highlighted the impact that the loss of Joe would have had on the Captain. They hinted at it right in the last scene of the episode but then everything was “back to normal” at the start of the next story. Voyager suffered from this lack of continuity on screen so thanks for delving a little deeper.
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