Just In
for The Wall that Fell

2/20/2021 c21 jane
this was the best story ever, please make it into a book:)
11/3/2018 c21 AnaJad85
Wow. I never wrote a review before. Although i've read hundreds of storys over the years. And you'll possibly never know what this story...your story... means to me. I discovered it just recently and it carried me through the darkest time of my life. My husband and i lost our baby girl a few weeks ago because of a heart anomaly. After years of struggling with infertility the loss broke me in a way i can't describe. And in a time when nothing else had the power to hold my interest any more, i've stumbled across this tale and it became my anchor the last few weeks. I've read it slowly. More slowly i'm normaly used to. And as i came to the last chapter i was deeply satisfied with this ending. A happy ending when all seemed lost. And i was content. Until i saw that you originally planned for more to come. So now i'm sitting here, desperately hoping for that last chapter. I know the chances are dim, but i beg you to finish it. And help me take a break of my reality for a last time.
Sincerely yours, a childless mother.
8/31/2018 c17 19artalicous
Okay I sought and found many stories about LOTR. Great ones. Yet, I thought something was missing. I ended up writing one. Still something was missing. I am not sure why I haven’t crossed paths with this FF only few days ago. And OmG!

Your story, the plot the characters are beyond any reach. I enjoyed the begging of the story. It started so smoothly. Every single chapter from when Laimea reached Legolas until the parted in Minas Tirith. Indeed few chapters after those the were some boring parts. Yet, again your story brought the cannon character to life.

The way you unfold Laimea character, with out drawing the rest. The way you kept Legolas character through all the story. I am sure I don’t need to add more. There many reviews to prove how great your work is and how hard you work through it. Thank you for keeping up for so many years.

Take care and be safe. And hope we will read an epilogue one day.
6/29/2018 c21 Guest
SCREAMING. I have followed this story since the early days and LOVED IT but never commented because I was like 17 and didn't understand the value of comments. I was watching LotR tonight and just passively wondered if you'd ever had a chance to update and now I'm here and you fINISHED IT?! AND WE'RE GONNA GET AN EPILOGUE?! OH MY GOD YOU ARE MY HERO.

this is lovely, truly lovely. I think it's my favorite LotR fic. Go you, all the high fives!
1/23/2018 c21 Sehlib
I can't tell you how much I love this story, from beginning to end. Words failed to do this fic justice, truly well done.
7/25/2017 c21 Kmartz95
I read all this in a day, and I can say that I have enjoyed it. I hope that within the next year or so that you will update it
4/15/2017 c21 6delypanda
I wasn't expecting that she would come back in this way but I'm glad about it nevertheless yay haha Good writing! Can't wait for the last chapter! :))
But I'm a little confused.. Laimea is half-elven so shouldn't she have the choice between mankind or elfkind? Has she chosen to be human, that's why she would grow old and die and not sail to Valinor if she hadn't died of wounds in the battle?
2/28/2017 c21 acai bowl
When will the next chapter be published? You made me so depressed and then I was happy and then the chapter was over. Ahhhhh
1/17/2017 c21 4ShalWright
Well, now I guess I join the throngs of those waiting, though at least I began reading this when almost the entire story was complete : ) I have mixed feelings about the ending, but some parts definitely took me by surprise!
1/16/2017 c20 ShalWright
This is seriously breaking my heart! Though I really enjoyed Thranduil's speech about living taking courage, being the difficult part, not beautiful!
1/16/2017 c19 ShalWright
1/16/2017 c18 ShalWright
1/16/2017 c14 ShalWright
This chapter was SO good...the suspense of their meeting was great. I liked how he disappeared after the first time they saw one another. And I liked how they both got to save each other : )
1/12/2017 c13 ShalWright
1/12/2017 c12 ShalWright
'She is with me'! AHHHH love it : D
And then, wow, a surprise - kind of realistic how she might have dealt with the battle.
Oh, no - the Gulls!
Reading on...
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