Just In
for And Now Yet Again Still Even More Fragments

9/14/2018 c1 Beer is food
I wonder what you are gonna do when you eventually exceed the maximum title length :o
9/13/2018 c1 3The Richmaster
This was a fun collection; I particularly liked the spiderman one

The new name works well too
9/13/2018 c1 Guest
Eh - terrible title.
9/13/2018 c1 177Firehedgehog
niice shorts
9/13/2018 c1 Guest
* Spider-Man leapt, stealing Crusher's mystically enhanced crowbar from his hand and smashing him in the knee with it in passing.*

"Wrecker" not "Crusher".
Mr. Purple mask and green costume is Wrecker, the leader of the Wrecking crew with his enchanted crowbar.

* "If the Dursleys were't more vile than he believed possible things would have worked out."*

".., believed it's possible ..."

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

- Comments from the Peanut Gallery.
* "You are a pain in my ass," she said with a sigh.*

I though she WANTED him to be such. *wiggles eyebrows*. ;-P

- Reborn
Huh, almost expected Peter to have been Xander in a previous life based upon that scene.

Luck is about the same.
As are their dating lives, though with Peter it's more supervillain or ties to such, rather than demons.

Still ladies, who'd normally ought to be out of their league though.

Then there's the constant quippage and acting as "morale officer" to keep others from brooding.

Threatening those he cares about is also a red button issue.

While Xan might normally be confused upon awakening in the midst of a superhero fight.

Well, sticking a leech in front of him will have him go on autopilot. Then having a Warlock/Sorcerer threaten those he cares about? More of the same.

Only post-fight would he have his freak-out.

- Courtly Wizards
Thought it fine myself.
Everyone's actions and questions were logical and in-character far as I can tell.

Not sure about this Merlin, but than that's because a) he could be an OC, b)I'm only peripherally aware of the Amber series.

Rough outline and one character Corwin and that's about it. So he could be from that series and be in-character and I wouldn't be able to know he was.


Didn't like him excusing the Old Wether's God Complex and keeping secrets though..

Than again, I'm fully cognizant that this could be my anti-DD bias speaking.

9/13/2018 c1 DR.Goodlove
moar moar
9/13/2018 c1 1MetalicDeath
Personally I would have simply gone with Fragments the Second Series or the like then just reused all the following titles. But then I’m lazy like that.
9/13/2018 c1 38Vixen Uchiha
Phoning It In- Shades of HP (Discarded) I love it and it needs more what Merlin did they summon?
9/13/2018 c1 Kudou Shinichi
Well done with the new title. I am relieved to say that the name is better than all of the suggestions I made.
9/13/2018 c1 thisistotallyaname

Sorry. I dropped the ball on this one.
9/13/2018 c1 3Ash0011
a new one, neat, was wondering when you were going to split it off
9/13/2018 c1 2D72
This spider-man seems like he actually got mentored by the Tony Stark who isn't softened by the MCU. Like if Civil War wasn't a Captain America movie, he and buck wouldn't have made it out of siberia.

Hell, in Ultron, Vision proves he is a stark by quickly and decisively disposing of his dad's killer. No sequels for stark baddies.

It's also amusing because MCU cap would be furious that Pete got trained like that.
9/13/2018 c1 Mugen-Muse
Yeah, Dumbledore really needed some one to play Devil's Advocate or basically just be around to poke at the holes in his "logic." I mean Caesar had some one whispering in his ear that he's merely mortal to keep him from getting a swelled head. Granted, that some one was a slave, but still. If Dumbledore had some one to act as a sounding board as well as a way to bounce off ideas, then maybe things could have been simpler. Granted, he's not an evil overlord, but he could benefit from the rule about having the logic of his plans tested by a child.
9/13/2018 c1 SonOfNenji
Truly, Lord Circe's brilliance knows no bounds.

I am shocked and awed!

9/13/2018 c1 kirbuu
Gotta say I'm surprised in all these fragments you've never involved x-23. Would be easy for road trip Xander (sans car break down) to run into her freshly escaped from the Hydra base and her to weave some story about hitchhiking to meet her absentee father, with both of them suspecting the other as being not what they seemed (hyena, fish hybrid, soldier possesion etc.). What wins out? Logan's initial distrust of his new found clone or his desire to give her possible boyfriend his own version of the shovel speech?
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