1/16 c19 CapalotTTG
why misfit why u left us with the biggest cliffhanger in human history really hope u gon update
why misfit why u left us with the biggest cliffhanger in human history really hope u gon update
11/30/2024 c15 Guest
Tori can sometimes be really annoying, even when not drunk...
Tori can sometimes be really annoying, even when not drunk...
10/7/2024 c19
5Shinda Shikai
nOooOOoooo a massive cliffhanger! YAY FINALLY OROCHIMARU IS BACK TOO! I can't wait to see what happens when her and Orochimaru interact, and why does he look like Sasuke with Itachi's hair, and what's he doing there, and what's going on with the shrine and the haunted lady I gotta know! I hope you update, love this fic it's so awesome!

nOooOOoooo a massive cliffhanger! YAY FINALLY OROCHIMARU IS BACK TOO! I can't wait to see what happens when her and Orochimaru interact, and why does he look like Sasuke with Itachi's hair, and what's he doing there, and what's going on with the shrine and the haunted lady I gotta know! I hope you update, love this fic it's so awesome!
9/3/2024 c19 CapalotTTG
aint gon lie this story fte i really like it so pliz update coz im dying to know whats next
aint gon lie this story fte i really like it so pliz update coz im dying to know whats next
8/11/2024 c19 Guest
Im on my knees bro, plz update
Im on my knees bro, plz update
4/30/2024 c19 guest
:O what a twist
very entertaining and funny, love it
:O what a twist
very entertaining and funny, love it
2/26/2024 c13 Korst
The spoiled milk thing is gross, but also sweet revenge. Putting lemon juice in the milk to screw over other people is a class act. Especially when you really just want cheese instead of milk.
The spoiled milk thing is gross, but also sweet revenge. Putting lemon juice in the milk to screw over other people is a class act. Especially when you really just want cheese instead of milk.
2/1/2024 c13 MimiXD
Love it
Love it
12/30/2023 c19 Dusty-Chan17
I saw that you updated in October(?) but I had other reading material at the time. Then I finally came back again and saw you graced us with another update! I feel so spoiled!
Now, I wish I hadn’t caught up yet because.. cliffhanger. *sobs*
Im leaning towards Tori hallucinating or she’s in some type of genjutsu… but if so, Obito should of noticed, right? So maybe some type of poison… then Obito would of been affected too. I’m guessing that you have to be able to understand the writing on the wall and that does something. I mean, SasuMaru is a terrifying thought.
If not, and Sasuke/Orochimaru is here then that would take the story into a very interesting direction.
I don’t know yet which I would prefer but I’m excited to see where the story goes!
I saw that you updated in October(?) but I had other reading material at the time. Then I finally came back again and saw you graced us with another update! I feel so spoiled!
Now, I wish I hadn’t caught up yet because.. cliffhanger. *sobs*
Im leaning towards Tori hallucinating or she’s in some type of genjutsu… but if so, Obito should of noticed, right? So maybe some type of poison… then Obito would of been affected too. I’m guessing that you have to be able to understand the writing on the wall and that does something. I mean, SasuMaru is a terrifying thought.
If not, and Sasuke/Orochimaru is here then that would take the story into a very interesting direction.
I don’t know yet which I would prefer but I’m excited to see where the story goes!
12/23/2023 c19 Sicarius Claraflam
Oh. Oh shit. I've caught all the way off. Only to be left at a terrible cliffhanger. Naruto is going to fucking spasm when he hears about this, Itachi too.
Oh. Oh shit. I've caught all the way off. Only to be left at a terrible cliffhanger. Naruto is going to fucking spasm when he hears about this, Itachi too.