Just In
for Koro, I've a Feeling We're not in the Empire Anymore

10/4/2018 c2 6jetangel02
Awesome character roles so far! Each of them makes so much sense and fits so perfectly. I can't wait to see what happens next.
10/4/2018 c1 jetangel02
This is a pretty neat parody. I look foward to what this fiction has in store.
9/29/2018 c2 Guest
This is so amazing! Yes! Please continue!
9/29/2018 c1 Guest
Hey! I love this story! Such an interesting concept to put Seryu (an underrated character in my opinion, I love her) in the Wizard of Oz world. Can’t wait to see what happens! Please continue this!
9/28/2018 c1 Guest
Please continue this. This is the best quality fanfic I’ve come across in a while

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