Just In
for Mutual Pride

5/16 c44 Guest
Old lady Charlotte married Collins because she would be heir to Longbourn with him. She's mercenary because of her age so should marry the gentleman.
5/13 c44 mvnlaredo
I absolutely loved this story from start to end. And I looking forward to start the sequal. Thank you so much for writing.
4/4 c44 Guest
I’ve read this multiple times and love it so much. Thank you for sharing your talent!
3/6 c3 28Bloody Phantom
Colonel Fitzwilliam's first name is Richard.
2/27 c44 deadlykitty
I have long been absent from and your story was the first that I have read in many years. It was very enjoyable and I enjoyed your representation of Austen's characters as well as your added ones. It was evident that you have done some research on the time period, or are at the very least you are well read enough to have an idea for some historical accuracy, which was refreshing. There were some spelling errors here and there, "Maryton" being one of the more noticeable, but it was well written and I enjoyed the pace and plot. I hope you continue to write! Great job!
12/8/2023 c21 1Romione4evah
Well lowkey you brought to yourself Lizzy
11/17/2023 c3 CHRISTine1995
Colonial fitzwilliams first name which is mentioned in the books is Richard not James you might want to correct this if you plan to publish it
9/6/2023 c44 tnet
Charlotte has earned her own love affair. Thank you for sharing your lovely story
9/6/2023 c43 tnet
what is a pnp story without a lake scene... this is fun and sweet. Thank you for sharing your lovely story
9/6/2023 c41 tnet
some harpies, but the rest were won over. Thank you for sharing your lovely story
9/6/2023 c40 tnet
E got closer to Anne, hope she is well enough for the ball. Thank you for sharing your lovely story
9/6/2023 c39 tnet
making up. but will they solve the gossip... Thank you for sharing your lovely story
9/6/2023 c38 tnet
problems, first the gossip that D has chosen not to share, I wonder if that is a wise decision... and the colonel going of to war. will he come back... Thank you for sharing your lovely story
9/6/2023 c37 tnet
a lovely first day. Thank you for sharing your lovely story
9/6/2023 c36 tnet
so sweet. Thank you for sharing your lovely story
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