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for The Virtual Journey

9/15 c10 3AlexFalTon
Weird that some chapters don't show up. Anyway, yeah, Code Lyoko is definitely a good show and nostalgia brought me here. Alex is also a good character, you made him unique enough that he stand out and makes the story slightly diffrent. ... its not just cause I share the same name.
9/15 c5 AlexFalTon
This was a good chapter. Really had thar 2000's cartoons vibes. With its humor, drama, and slightly twisty ending. You know, a twist that doesn't change much, but could still be relevant and funny.
7/9 c10 Fiction Fan 369
I don't know what your doing for shipping, but I vote Alex x Sissi. Both because I think it would be fun, and let Sissie develop beyond just being the bully.
Other then that, can't wait to see the rest of the story.
7/8 c10 pyrojack25
Another kiss from Sissy this time. If she wasn't such a bitch, I would find this interesting to see more of. ;P
7/4 c10 reggielacey2
interesting what your doing with sissi. planning on er joining the team as well
5/11 c9 Glavie165
Please do more chapters
1/4 c9 kitehaseo
I can see Alex bing with a variety of girls bt if its Yumi or Aelita it will be later around when William shows up and things get tense between Yumi and Ulrich as for Aelita maybe after she is in the real world for a while or when something happens between her and Jeremy.
12/26/2023 c9 reggielacey2
who would win in a fight between all the guys
12/25/2023 c9 pyrojack25
With how many times he's fought some of those things in the real wonder, he's very lucky to even be alive at all. And I feel it makes sense to me. Xana mostly target's the Lyoko Warriors. Anyone who gets in the way is merely a stepping stone in humanities extinction.
6/14/2023 c1 reggielacey2
u gonna continue this
1/22/2023 c7 reggielacey2
I ship Alex and Yumi
4/9/2022 c8 2HydrArecus
Nice to see you working on this again. And the delay is understandable.

Usually, I hate repeating myself, but at the progress Aelita is trusting Alex, most of us can guess what their link is; not getting to specifics so not to spoil the surprise to those who haven't.
So I kindly remind you once more to make sure all the rough details are in order, especially the main problem in s4ep25; I STILL can't get that potential screw-up out of my head!
9/14/2021 c7 Rainsfere
Man I come back to check on this and I see you have two chapters updated instead of one. Well., color me surprised I suppose.

Anyway, enough of that. I vaguely remembered this episode going in but fortunately as I continued to read the chapter I began to remember more details. I also support the decision to have Alex deal with the monster. He's a badass in Lyoko but it's always good to see him in action outside of it too. His craftiness and quick thinking blends well with the other Lyoko Warriors when outside of Lyoko and that is always a plus.

Obviously the big takeaway here is the ending. The revelation that RTTP is not a cure all is definitely a wakeup call but it will only make them fight harder and at times more desperately. I think this is the second time now Alex has narrowly avoided death. Once in Lyoko and once in reality. I wonder how many times it'll take to get to him or to make him jaded to it all? Either way, I'm curious as to how they will process this information and how they will go about it going forward. Learning to fight or even learning some form of weapon training outside of Lyoko should be in the realm of possibility. I know I sure as hell would start learning something after that bombshell. I actually wouldn't mind discussing this with you if isn't much of a bother.

I do hope your family is okay and hopefully everything continues to look up from here. My best wishes to you and your family.

This was a solid chapter and I look forward to the next one.
9/7/2021 c7 pyrojack25
Plenty of people are having problems, not a bother. Depending on the person, I suppose. But yeah, nice to know you're doing fine.

I never knew about that, the RTTP only working on live humans. Interesting, and actually a scary thought if it happens to anyone else besides the Lyoko gang. It could be a problem... perhaps something Zana could take advantage of in a situation like that. Multiple brain dead victims.

But that's just a thought. With that said it does make more sense why they need to stay alive long enough to reboot. Not bad. :)
4/14/2021 c6 Guest
Please update sons journey please
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