1/16 c64
I’ve got a bad feeling about how they’ll react to the battle of Kamino, Echo’s sacrifice and reappearance, the battle of Umbara, and Fives’ death.

I’ve got a bad feeling about how they’ll react to the battle of Kamino, Echo’s sacrifice and reappearance, the battle of Umbara, and Fives’ death.
1/9 c18 wearedeadpool
so this a YouTube video called "The Walking Dead Cartoon Parody", so yeah.
*video begins*
previously on RWBY
Narrator: since the defeat of Salem 50 years ago, our small, ever diminishing group of heroes were eventually the only people left on Remnant
*shows Sun, Oscar, Blake, Qrow, Ruby, Nora, and Jaune, with Blake disappearing first, then Nora, and then Sun*
Ruby was the only female left and always wanting to save the world, she took her job to repopulate Remnant very seriously, as did the lads
*shows Ruby in bed with just a blanket covering her body*
Ruby: next!
*shows Qrow leaving the room zipping his pant's zipper up*
Qrow: see you in an hour kiddo, Oscar! OSCAR!
*shows Oscar right next to Qrow*
Oscar: I'm right here Qrow.
Qrow: Oscar, you're up, go and cover the front, aim directly for the target and enter, if you need reinforcements, holler and I will cover you!
Oscar: um, thanks.
*Oscar walks into the room to Ruby's bed*
Qrow: Joan! JOAN!
Jaune: I'm in front of you Qrow, and please stop calling me that.
Qrow: Joan you need to go again as well, you take the flank, when Oscar is done, you jump in.
Jaune: Qrow you don't need to explain how to hav with my own wife.
*Qrow starts walking away, while Jaune puts his hand on his own face*
Qrow: Oscar! OSCAR!
*Oscar looks from underneath the blanket at Qrow, before looking back to Ruby and continuing to thrust into her*
Narrator: once the new generation was born, inbreeding became inevitable, little did our heroes know, this would lead to rapidly procreating groups of another breed of creatures, they're own.
*logo "RWBY: Volume 50" appears*
grandchild: dduuhh, uuhh, oouu
*cut to inside the house, which shows a really old Qrow*
Qrow: Oscar! OSCAR!
*shows old Oscar siting next to Qrow, but it's really Ozma, as Oscar's mind naturally disappeared decades earlier, but Qrow can't remember that while currently in his 90s*
Ozma: it's still Ozma
Qrow: Oscar, it's our grandkids, they somehow look...*shows the one outside saying "dduuhh"*...off, and they're multiplying like Velvet.
Ozma: well, they have the IQ of Blake, all they do is eat, sleep, and F*** each other.
Qrow: it's getting out of hand, Oscar, get me my ride
Ozma: really Qrow? now?
*shows a room with "King Qrow" on the door, and in the room, the Grimm turned corpse of Winter is on the bed with a chain around her neck and a ball in her mouth*
Qrow: not that one, I mean my ride.
*Qrow points at a cane*
Qrow: alright Oscar, let's go, we have to put a stop to this!
*Qrow and Ozma walk down the hallway, right past Ruby's room, which shows an old Ruby still in her bed with her blanket on, repeatedly saying "next"*
*Qrow opens the front door and sees what's outside*
Qrow: my Oum, it's worse than I thought.
*zooms out to show many dumb kids, which are all the inbreed grandchildren*
Narrator: next time on the RWBY parody
*shows Qrow surrendered by his grandchildren, while he's hold Harbinger*
Grandchild: I love you pa.
Qrow: get back you savage!
*Qrows cuts the kid's gut open with Harbinger, until another comes up to him, with this one holding a white rose*
Grandchild: dduuhh
Qrow: get away from me freak!
Grandchild: I picked a flower.
*Qrow cuts the kid's head open with Harbinger*
*cut to Ozma siting at the kitchen table holding one of Ren's Stormflower pistols, thinking about everything*
*shows one of the grandchildren*
Grandchild: dduuhh
*back to Ozma, then to Ruby*
Ruby: next!
*back to Ozma, then to Qrow*
Qrow: OSCAR!
*back to Ozma, with all three messing his mind up*
Ozma: is this it? I...I can't take it anymore!
*loads Stormflower up with a round, before aiming it at his own head*
Ozma: hopefully a better host this time.
*screen goes to black as a gun shot is heard, before it fades back in to Ozma's eye being completely blown out of his face, with him still alive*
*video ends*
so yeah, I just remembered that this video even existed last night (it's been quite a few years since I last watched it), and decided to do this as a RWBY thing (cause of course I did), though I will explain a few things about it.
in terms of the characters dying, it's supposed to mean that most of them died during the final battle against Salem, which also resulted in Salem being able to kill everyone in Remnant except Qrow, Oscar/Ozma, Ruby, and Jaune.
Jaune and Ruby also got married before finally defeating Salem, meaning they'd be in their 20s when defeating her.
the Volume 50 bit is cause, in the actual video, it says "The Walking Dead: Season 50", so for RWBY, it'd say "RWBY: Volume 50".
yes, Qrow bangs Ruby, but for Rick's role, Qrow was the only one who fit it (and yes, I didn't need to have Ruby be Maggie, but for a couple bits of the video, I thought Ruby fit them, besides, the video is already messed up as is, so who cares).
with the grandchildren, Ruby would be the grandmother of them all, while the grandfathers are obviously Qrow, Oscar, and Jaune.
with the characters ages, while the actual show isn't over yet, I just assumed that they'd (being team RWBY and team JNPR) be in their early to mid 20s when defeating Salem, meaning here (being 50 years later), they'd be in they'd be in their early to mid 70s, while Qrow is probably in his mid to late 90s, meaning he's pushing 100.
with Oscar's mind gone by the time of the latter half, well, Oscar's mind would have disappeared (basically like all of Ozma's previous hosts) around 10 to 20 years after defeating Salem, meaning he did bang Ruby, but in the end, Ozma's mind remained, but by the end, Ozma didn't want to be around Qrow, Ruby, or his grandchildren anymore, so he decided to off himself, hopping to reincarnate into someone else who might still be alive somewhere in Remnant (far away from there) or even one of his own grandkids (so he can then quickly leave that place in this new, younger body), but in the end, it didn't work and he's still stuck in Oscar's body, but now with a missing eye.
so this a YouTube video called "The Walking Dead Cartoon Parody", so yeah.
*video begins*
previously on RWBY
Narrator: since the defeat of Salem 50 years ago, our small, ever diminishing group of heroes were eventually the only people left on Remnant
*shows Sun, Oscar, Blake, Qrow, Ruby, Nora, and Jaune, with Blake disappearing first, then Nora, and then Sun*
Ruby was the only female left and always wanting to save the world, she took her job to repopulate Remnant very seriously, as did the lads
*shows Ruby in bed with just a blanket covering her body*
Ruby: next!
*shows Qrow leaving the room zipping his pant's zipper up*
Qrow: see you in an hour kiddo, Oscar! OSCAR!
*shows Oscar right next to Qrow*
Oscar: I'm right here Qrow.
Qrow: Oscar, you're up, go and cover the front, aim directly for the target and enter, if you need reinforcements, holler and I will cover you!
Oscar: um, thanks.
*Oscar walks into the room to Ruby's bed*
Qrow: Joan! JOAN!
Jaune: I'm in front of you Qrow, and please stop calling me that.
Qrow: Joan you need to go again as well, you take the flank, when Oscar is done, you jump in.
Jaune: Qrow you don't need to explain how to hav with my own wife.
*Qrow starts walking away, while Jaune puts his hand on his own face*
Qrow: Oscar! OSCAR!
*Oscar looks from underneath the blanket at Qrow, before looking back to Ruby and continuing to thrust into her*
Narrator: once the new generation was born, inbreeding became inevitable, little did our heroes know, this would lead to rapidly procreating groups of another breed of creatures, they're own.
*logo "RWBY: Volume 50" appears*
grandchild: dduuhh, uuhh, oouu
*cut to inside the house, which shows a really old Qrow*
Qrow: Oscar! OSCAR!
*shows old Oscar siting next to Qrow, but it's really Ozma, as Oscar's mind naturally disappeared decades earlier, but Qrow can't remember that while currently in his 90s*
Ozma: it's still Ozma
Qrow: Oscar, it's our grandkids, they somehow look...*shows the one outside saying "dduuhh"*...off, and they're multiplying like Velvet.
Ozma: well, they have the IQ of Blake, all they do is eat, sleep, and F*** each other.
Qrow: it's getting out of hand, Oscar, get me my ride
Ozma: really Qrow? now?
*shows a room with "King Qrow" on the door, and in the room, the Grimm turned corpse of Winter is on the bed with a chain around her neck and a ball in her mouth*
Qrow: not that one, I mean my ride.
*Qrow points at a cane*
Qrow: alright Oscar, let's go, we have to put a stop to this!
*Qrow and Ozma walk down the hallway, right past Ruby's room, which shows an old Ruby still in her bed with her blanket on, repeatedly saying "next"*
*Qrow opens the front door and sees what's outside*
Qrow: my Oum, it's worse than I thought.
*zooms out to show many dumb kids, which are all the inbreed grandchildren*
Narrator: next time on the RWBY parody
*shows Qrow surrendered by his grandchildren, while he's hold Harbinger*
Grandchild: I love you pa.
Qrow: get back you savage!
*Qrows cuts the kid's gut open with Harbinger, until another comes up to him, with this one holding a white rose*
Grandchild: dduuhh
Qrow: get away from me freak!
Grandchild: I picked a flower.
*Qrow cuts the kid's head open with Harbinger*
*cut to Ozma siting at the kitchen table holding one of Ren's Stormflower pistols, thinking about everything*
*shows one of the grandchildren*
Grandchild: dduuhh
*back to Ozma, then to Ruby*
Ruby: next!
*back to Ozma, then to Qrow*
Qrow: OSCAR!
*back to Ozma, with all three messing his mind up*
Ozma: is this it? I...I can't take it anymore!
*loads Stormflower up with a round, before aiming it at his own head*
Ozma: hopefully a better host this time.
*screen goes to black as a gun shot is heard, before it fades back in to Ozma's eye being completely blown out of his face, with him still alive*
*video ends*
so yeah, I just remembered that this video even existed last night (it's been quite a few years since I last watched it), and decided to do this as a RWBY thing (cause of course I did), though I will explain a few things about it.
in terms of the characters dying, it's supposed to mean that most of them died during the final battle against Salem, which also resulted in Salem being able to kill everyone in Remnant except Qrow, Oscar/Ozma, Ruby, and Jaune.
Jaune and Ruby also got married before finally defeating Salem, meaning they'd be in their 20s when defeating her.
the Volume 50 bit is cause, in the actual video, it says "The Walking Dead: Season 50", so for RWBY, it'd say "RWBY: Volume 50".
yes, Qrow bangs Ruby, but for Rick's role, Qrow was the only one who fit it (and yes, I didn't need to have Ruby be Maggie, but for a couple bits of the video, I thought Ruby fit them, besides, the video is already messed up as is, so who cares).
with the grandchildren, Ruby would be the grandmother of them all, while the grandfathers are obviously Qrow, Oscar, and Jaune.
with the characters ages, while the actual show isn't over yet, I just assumed that they'd (being team RWBY and team JNPR) be in their early to mid 20s when defeating Salem, meaning here (being 50 years later), they'd be in they'd be in their early to mid 70s, while Qrow is probably in his mid to late 90s, meaning he's pushing 100.
with Oscar's mind gone by the time of the latter half, well, Oscar's mind would have disappeared (basically like all of Ozma's previous hosts) around 10 to 20 years after defeating Salem, meaning he did bang Ruby, but in the end, Ozma's mind remained, but by the end, Ozma didn't want to be around Qrow, Ruby, or his grandchildren anymore, so he decided to off himself, hopping to reincarnate into someone else who might still be alive somewhere in Remnant (far away from there) or even one of his own grandkids (so he can then quickly leave that place in this new, younger body), but in the end, it didn't work and he's still stuck in Oscar's body, but now with a missing eye.
1/7 c74 Guest
Funny you should mention, there was a continuation, War of Cybertron and Fall of Cybertron were prequels to Transformers: Prime, they all take place in the Aligned Continuity, though there are some discrepancies here and there.
Funny you should mention, there was a continuation, War of Cybertron and Fall of Cybertron were prequels to Transformers: Prime, they all take place in the Aligned Continuity, though there are some discrepancies here and there.
12/30/2024 c76 Bear
That one guest has the right idea for doing Black Flag in the sequel, but my idea of the ideal cast is just a little different.
The only changes I made were these:
Charles Vane - Mercury Black
Bartholomew Roberts - Adam Taurus
Other than that, everything else is the same:
Edward Kenway - Jaune Arc
Caroline Scott - Pyrrha Nikos
Adewale - Ghira Belladonna
Laureano Torres - Merlot
El Tiburon - Hazel Reinart
Duncan Walpole - Cardin Winchester
Blackbeard - Qrow Branwen
Mary Read - Ruby Rose
Anne Bonney - Weiss Schnee
Ah Tabai - Ozpin
Ben Hornigold - Leonardo Lionheart
Jack Rackham - Neptune Vasilias
Stede Bonnet - Klein Sieben
Woodes Rogers - Arthur Watts
Julien Du Casse - Tyrian Callows
Burgess and Cockram - Fennec and Corsac Albain
Laurens Prins - Roman Torchwick
Commodore Chamberlaine - Jacques Gele
That one guest has the right idea for doing Black Flag in the sequel, but my idea of the ideal cast is just a little different.
The only changes I made were these:
Charles Vane - Mercury Black
Bartholomew Roberts - Adam Taurus
Other than that, everything else is the same:
Edward Kenway - Jaune Arc
Caroline Scott - Pyrrha Nikos
Adewale - Ghira Belladonna
Laureano Torres - Merlot
El Tiburon - Hazel Reinart
Duncan Walpole - Cardin Winchester
Blackbeard - Qrow Branwen
Mary Read - Ruby Rose
Anne Bonney - Weiss Schnee
Ah Tabai - Ozpin
Ben Hornigold - Leonardo Lionheart
Jack Rackham - Neptune Vasilias
Stede Bonnet - Klein Sieben
Woodes Rogers - Arthur Watts
Julien Du Casse - Tyrian Callows
Burgess and Cockram - Fennec and Corsac Albain
Laurens Prins - Roman Torchwick
Commodore Chamberlaine - Jacques Gele
12/29/2024 c76 dared-the-demon-king
Hello, hey can you make them react to "The Squid Game" please make them react to the first and second seasons please
Hello, hey can you make them react to "The Squid Game" please make them react to the first and second seasons please
12/21/2024 c1 JugularJuJu121
This has been a blast to read. And re-read. Also the last spider man one totally didn't make me cry NOPE.. it was just very dusty in my room
This has been a blast to read. And re-read. Also the last spider man one totally didn't make me cry NOPE.. it was just very dusty in my room
12/17/2024 c76 THEOWLPALADIN
Sorry for not replying man, PM doesn't work, we can chat on discord if you want
Sorry for not replying man, PM doesn't work, we can chat on discord if you want
12/13/2024 c7 Guest
W Queen opinion
W Queen opinion
12/10/2024 c19 wearedeadpool
so since you mentioned a "Return to Arc Worlds" fanfic eventually, I have a request for a chapter of that.
so this one is a skit from an old Cartoon Network show called "MAD", and the skit is about Star Wars: The Clone Wars (which was also airing at the time too), but here, it's called "Star Wars: The Groan Wars", and I've thought of how a RWBY version of this would go in my head for the last few days, and so I am going to type it all out now, so yeah (and let's just say that I had way too much fun thinking this one up).
also I did change some of the characters names too, but only because the actual skit did it too and also, some of the stuff I'm about to type works perfectly with the name changes.
*skit starts*
*logo "RWBY: Groan show" appears*
text: when making a show, plan everything out ahead of time
Narrator: Atlas Soldiers *shows Winter and the Ace Ops*, Grimm battles *shows Grimm attacks*, and school training *shows a bunch of Huntsmen and Huntresses with Professor Port showing them off*, can't stop these characters *shows Ruby with Crescent Rose out* from being just as clueless as Oscar *show Oscar smiling*, who on an important mission *shows Oscar facing Cinder*, leads his friends against the evil Maiden Tinder.
Tinder: you have learned much mister Pine.
Oscar: I'm full of surprises Tinder. *Oscar's hands start glowing and his hands are a greenish light, with Oscar very surprised*
Tinder: I take it that's a lie.
*Oscar and Tinder start throwing green energy balls and fire balls at each other, until Tinder burns Oscar's face, which then goes up to show Ozma's spirit on the ceiling*
Ozma: ah, no, Oscar! why'd you have to make me reincarnate again.
*back down as Tinder, as two White Fang soldiers come into the room, where Tinder is in front of Oscar's body*
Tinder: take him away, *turns around and faces the camera, while raising her eyebrow* then give Tinder a nice circular swipe.
*cut to Ruby, Blake, Neon, and Sun*
Ruby: Marrow, we've got to get those plans.
Blake: yeah, I'm actually Blake *points at Sun*, that's Marrow.
Ruby: oh, sorry Blake.
Sun: actually I'm Sun.
Ruby: ugh, I hate working with Faunus.
*whips Crescent Rose out and cuts a hole in the door, which makes the Rooster Teeth logo, then it falls over*
Ruby: give it up Tinder, your minions are on their last legs.
*shows Tinder playing pool...with Mercury's robot leg*
Tinder: says who?
Ruby: well for starters, Emerald there is just drooling everywhere for you.
Emerald: I love you Tinder, so-
*some nunchucks hit her in the face, knocking her down*
Tinder: this is where Tinder starts to run.
*Tinder runs towards the elevator as stuff is being thrown at her*
*Ruby calls Jaune on her Scroll*
Ruby: Jauneyer, Tinder is escaping.
*cut to Jauneyer*
Jauneyer: Dora!
*a girl who looks like Nora, but with darker skin and brown hair, as well as with a purple backpack that had a face on it, approaches Jauneyer*
Dora: yes fearless Leader?
Jauneyer: prepare to get Tinder!
Dora: ugh, I hate her name *crosses her arms, then smirks*, but I love exploring.
*shows a guy who looks like Adam*
Madame: wait until you get a load of me.
Dora:...I think the mascot is here.
Madame: I am the White Fang leader known as Madame Floures.
Jauneyer: *to Dora* I'm guessing "Madame Boures" was already taken.
Madame: *mocking* I'm guessing Madame Boures was already taken!
Jauneyer: an old Arc trick.
Madame: it wasn't an Arc trick, I was clearly mocking you, but I was into kinky roleplaying with Blake before, if you two are interested, no? not interested? THEN DIE! *quickly attacks them*
*cut to Tinder running to a table and a hologram of Salem appears*
Salem: what's the news, Tinder?
Tinder: actually, you're in the Maple Surp.
Salem: oh, gross *starts stepping in it*, did you g-get the plan?
Tinder: uh, my mistress, you seem to be breaking up?
*cut to Salem in a kitchen*
Salem: huh? oh, sorry, I'm...microwaving a Pizza.
*back to Tinder*
Tinder: not to worry my mistress, soon all of Remnant will be yours to destroy.
Salem: destroy? who wants to destroy it? I want to own it, *pulls out a Ruby Rose Funko Pop* you have any idea what the toy lines are like?
Tinder: then what are these plans for?
Salem: duh, a Theme Park!
*cut to Salem dancing in front of a Theme Park, with a sign behind her saying "Six Rose RWBY Mountain"*
*back to Tinder*
Tinder: but what about the Relics and the-
Salem: blah, blah, blah, that's just a side hobby, the real money's in fanservice, luckily my other loyal minions have been much more productive.
Tinder: what other "loyal minions"?
*cut to Jauneyer, Dora, and Ruby seeing something horrifying show up*
Jauneyer: oh no, look! *shows a bunch of people* FNKI Troopers.
*the FNKI Trooper at the front starts speaking and pointing at others*
FNKI Trooper: you, take their weapons. you, make a Lego RWBY game. you, make a team STRQ prequel show. I want Jaune's Harem canon by the end of the week.
Jauneyer: I've got a bad feeling about this.
Ruby: you and the rest of the Fandom.
FNKI Trooper: take them away.
White Fang soldier: will do for Sienna.
*two Faunus are next to them*
Ilia: actually, that's Sienna, I'm Ilia.
Velvet: no, I'm Velvet.
Dora: ughh...I hate memes!
*Salems quickly shows up and starts dancing, with Dora looking down at her, surprised*
*skit ends*
so like I said, I thought about this the last few days, and about no one telling the Faunus apart (like Ruby), I know it sounds so racist, but honestly, I couldn't think of anything else for the Clone bits, so that's what I came up with in the end.
so since you mentioned a "Return to Arc Worlds" fanfic eventually, I have a request for a chapter of that.
so this one is a skit from an old Cartoon Network show called "MAD", and the skit is about Star Wars: The Clone Wars (which was also airing at the time too), but here, it's called "Star Wars: The Groan Wars", and I've thought of how a RWBY version of this would go in my head for the last few days, and so I am going to type it all out now, so yeah (and let's just say that I had way too much fun thinking this one up).
also I did change some of the characters names too, but only because the actual skit did it too and also, some of the stuff I'm about to type works perfectly with the name changes.
*skit starts*
*logo "RWBY: Groan show" appears*
text: when making a show, plan everything out ahead of time
Narrator: Atlas Soldiers *shows Winter and the Ace Ops*, Grimm battles *shows Grimm attacks*, and school training *shows a bunch of Huntsmen and Huntresses with Professor Port showing them off*, can't stop these characters *shows Ruby with Crescent Rose out* from being just as clueless as Oscar *show Oscar smiling*, who on an important mission *shows Oscar facing Cinder*, leads his friends against the evil Maiden Tinder.
Tinder: you have learned much mister Pine.
Oscar: I'm full of surprises Tinder. *Oscar's hands start glowing and his hands are a greenish light, with Oscar very surprised*
Tinder: I take it that's a lie.
*Oscar and Tinder start throwing green energy balls and fire balls at each other, until Tinder burns Oscar's face, which then goes up to show Ozma's spirit on the ceiling*
Ozma: ah, no, Oscar! why'd you have to make me reincarnate again.
*back down as Tinder, as two White Fang soldiers come into the room, where Tinder is in front of Oscar's body*
Tinder: take him away, *turns around and faces the camera, while raising her eyebrow* then give Tinder a nice circular swipe.
*cut to Ruby, Blake, Neon, and Sun*
Ruby: Marrow, we've got to get those plans.
Blake: yeah, I'm actually Blake *points at Sun*, that's Marrow.
Ruby: oh, sorry Blake.
Sun: actually I'm Sun.
Ruby: ugh, I hate working with Faunus.
*whips Crescent Rose out and cuts a hole in the door, which makes the Rooster Teeth logo, then it falls over*
Ruby: give it up Tinder, your minions are on their last legs.
*shows Tinder playing pool...with Mercury's robot leg*
Tinder: says who?
Ruby: well for starters, Emerald there is just drooling everywhere for you.
Emerald: I love you Tinder, so-
*some nunchucks hit her in the face, knocking her down*
Tinder: this is where Tinder starts to run.
*Tinder runs towards the elevator as stuff is being thrown at her*
*Ruby calls Jaune on her Scroll*
Ruby: Jauneyer, Tinder is escaping.
*cut to Jauneyer*
Jauneyer: Dora!
*a girl who looks like Nora, but with darker skin and brown hair, as well as with a purple backpack that had a face on it, approaches Jauneyer*
Dora: yes fearless Leader?
Jauneyer: prepare to get Tinder!
Dora: ugh, I hate her name *crosses her arms, then smirks*, but I love exploring.
*shows a guy who looks like Adam*
Madame: wait until you get a load of me.
Dora:...I think the mascot is here.
Madame: I am the White Fang leader known as Madame Floures.
Jauneyer: *to Dora* I'm guessing "Madame Boures" was already taken.
Madame: *mocking* I'm guessing Madame Boures was already taken!
Jauneyer: an old Arc trick.
Madame: it wasn't an Arc trick, I was clearly mocking you, but I was into kinky roleplaying with Blake before, if you two are interested, no? not interested? THEN DIE! *quickly attacks them*
*cut to Tinder running to a table and a hologram of Salem appears*
Salem: what's the news, Tinder?
Tinder: actually, you're in the Maple Surp.
Salem: oh, gross *starts stepping in it*, did you g-get the plan?
Tinder: uh, my mistress, you seem to be breaking up?
*cut to Salem in a kitchen*
Salem: huh? oh, sorry, I'm...microwaving a Pizza.
*back to Tinder*
Tinder: not to worry my mistress, soon all of Remnant will be yours to destroy.
Salem: destroy? who wants to destroy it? I want to own it, *pulls out a Ruby Rose Funko Pop* you have any idea what the toy lines are like?
Tinder: then what are these plans for?
Salem: duh, a Theme Park!
*cut to Salem dancing in front of a Theme Park, with a sign behind her saying "Six Rose RWBY Mountain"*
*back to Tinder*
Tinder: but what about the Relics and the-
Salem: blah, blah, blah, that's just a side hobby, the real money's in fanservice, luckily my other loyal minions have been much more productive.
Tinder: what other "loyal minions"?
*cut to Jauneyer, Dora, and Ruby seeing something horrifying show up*
Jauneyer: oh no, look! *shows a bunch of people* FNKI Troopers.
*the FNKI Trooper at the front starts speaking and pointing at others*
FNKI Trooper: you, take their weapons. you, make a Lego RWBY game. you, make a team STRQ prequel show. I want Jaune's Harem canon by the end of the week.
Jauneyer: I've got a bad feeling about this.
Ruby: you and the rest of the Fandom.
FNKI Trooper: take them away.
White Fang soldier: will do for Sienna.
*two Faunus are next to them*
Ilia: actually, that's Sienna, I'm Ilia.
Velvet: no, I'm Velvet.
Dora: ughh...I hate memes!
*Salems quickly shows up and starts dancing, with Dora looking down at her, surprised*
*skit ends*
so like I said, I thought about this the last few days, and about no one telling the Faunus apart (like Ruby), I know it sounds so racist, but honestly, I couldn't think of anything else for the Clone bits, so that's what I came up with in the end.
12/10/2024 c76 wearedeadpool
oh, so I guess you didn't plan on eventually doing Marvel's Spider-Man 2, ok then.
oh, so I guess you didn't plan on eventually doing Marvel's Spider-Man 2, ok then.
12/2/2024 c76 dantealexander176
can you make the next chapter a continuation? it looks really cool and amazing how you're going to use Whitley as Harry Osborne/Venom.
it'll kind of raise awareness for Weiss and Winter in case Whitley ends up as Harry Osborne, which might make them want to get closer to their brother to repair the relationship.
can you?
can you make the next chapter a continuation? it looks really cool and amazing how you're going to use Whitley as Harry Osborne/Venom.
it'll kind of raise awareness for Weiss and Winter in case Whitley ends up as Harry Osborne, which might make them want to get closer to their brother to repair the relationship.
can you?
11/25/2024 c76 Guest
For the sequel, do Assassin's Creed Black Flag
Edward Kenway - Jaune Arc
Caroline Scott - Pyrrha Nikos (Edward lost his way trying to give Caroline a better life, similar to how Jaune thinks Pyrrha is too good for him)
Adewale - Ghira Belladonna (Both are honorable men who fought for a better cause)
Laureano Torres - Merlot (Both had mild God Complexes and think their plans are for the betterment of humanity)
El Tiburon - Hazel Reinart
Duncan Walpole - Cardin Winchester
Blackbeard - Qrow Branwen (Coolest characters in their respective stories, imo)
Mary Read - Ruby Rose
Anne Bonney - Weiss Schnee
Ah Tabai - Ozpin
Ben Hornigold - Leonardo Lionheart (Both traitors)
Charles Vane - Adam Taurus
Jack Rackham - Neptune Vasilias
Stede Bonnet - Klein Sieben (Both of them were the sweetest characters) this video was how all of us reacted to Bonnet's death ( watch?vYLj6LDYHBhE)
Woodes Rogers - Arthur Watts
Julien Du Casse - Tyrian Callows
Burgess and Cockram - Fennec and Corsac Albain
Bartholomew Roberts - Mercury Black
Laurens Prins - Roman Torchwick
Commodore Chamberlaine - Jacques (Can use his previous name, Gele, instead of Schnee)
Edward's Children - Can honestly use OC's for them
For the sequel, do Assassin's Creed Black Flag
Edward Kenway - Jaune Arc
Caroline Scott - Pyrrha Nikos (Edward lost his way trying to give Caroline a better life, similar to how Jaune thinks Pyrrha is too good for him)
Adewale - Ghira Belladonna (Both are honorable men who fought for a better cause)
Laureano Torres - Merlot (Both had mild God Complexes and think their plans are for the betterment of humanity)
El Tiburon - Hazel Reinart
Duncan Walpole - Cardin Winchester
Blackbeard - Qrow Branwen (Coolest characters in their respective stories, imo)
Mary Read - Ruby Rose
Anne Bonney - Weiss Schnee
Ah Tabai - Ozpin
Ben Hornigold - Leonardo Lionheart (Both traitors)
Charles Vane - Adam Taurus
Jack Rackham - Neptune Vasilias
Stede Bonnet - Klein Sieben (Both of them were the sweetest characters) this video was how all of us reacted to Bonnet's death ( watch?vYLj6LDYHBhE)
Woodes Rogers - Arthur Watts
Julien Du Casse - Tyrian Callows
Burgess and Cockram - Fennec and Corsac Albain
Bartholomew Roberts - Mercury Black
Laurens Prins - Roman Torchwick
Commodore Chamberlaine - Jacques (Can use his previous name, Gele, instead of Schnee)
Edward's Children - Can honestly use OC's for them