Just In
for Dark Discoveries

10/10/2018 c1 Guest
preferred the original , but im still keen for more so ill deal with a reboot
10/9/2018 c1 No Vigilance
Hopefully someone gets knocked up...
10/9/2018 c1 gabrieljuarezl
Great chap
10/8/2018 c1 bobbya1
that was fucking hilarious
10/8/2018 c1 6Yaw6113
Please write the next chapter already. Please have Harry manipulate Tonks into loving Harry's dick in her ass. Thank you very much in advance. I really appreciated it and liked it a lot.
10/6/2018 c1 guardian of grayskull
Well, this story is an interesting one, and take the time you need to update, until the next review.
10/6/2018 c1 hooplah
An interesting concept although I can’t help but think you’re spreading yourself quite thin with so many simultaneous fics. Your update rate on the whole is a quite decent (but shortish) chapter a week but as this has gotten spread out more and more between your different fics they have lost their momentum somewhat.
10/6/2018 c1 Guest
If you're the same author thank u for posting this story again
It had been my favorite but instead of rewriting it just continue from that story
The earlier story had been excellent in itsel
Increase your update speed and focus on 1 story at a time
10/6/2018 c1 Altzelic
Another fantastic story! I can't wait for future updates! Thanks for sharing!
10/6/2018 c1 Lun3th
Interesting looking forward to reading more :)
10/5/2018 c1 1DeathXMaster
To those screaming PLAGERISM...did you read the authors note in the beginning? if you did, you'd know that comingdarkness7007 and aTasteOfDarkness are the same person
10/5/2018 c1 yoto
bon chapitre
10/5/2018 c1 ArcVal
Yeah! This it's plagerised from thecomingdarkness7007, at last that's who I saw it from. Don't steal.
10/5/2018 c1 ArcVal
I'm pretty sure this is plagerised. It sounds amongst exactly like another story of the same name...
10/5/2018 c1 12Notsae
Hmhmhmhm, interesting.
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