Just In
for Gentle Leaf Dragon

11/4/2021 c2 TsukuyoGintoki
I hope this story continues
3/22/2020 c2 ThatsLifeDarlings
ohhhh looks great so far! I noticed a few mistakes? for the first word I think you meant initiating? then on the second chapter doable would be better as useable or some other last one is that you have out where a you should be. Hope this helps!
10/10/2019 c2 Guest
Looking forward for the next chapter to come out soon
10/1/2019 c2 Guest
Looking forward for the next chapter to come out soon
8/30/2019 c1 Guest
Looking forward for the next chapter to come out soon
8/23/2019 c2 Guest
Looking forward for the next chapter to come out soon
11/16/2018 c1 Guest
Oh happy day, a new oc naruto gamer fanfiic's out. So far so good man. Keep it up.
11/15/2018 c2 Guest
11/6/2018 c2 MadderHatters
I rather like this story so far! I'm looking forward to more!
10/31/2018 c2 Guest
Interesting idea for stats please continue.
10/14/2018 c2 Heart
Wheeee!. Convenient that. Must be a library game mechanic...
10/14/2018 c1 Heart
Wow. Yus Lee is a Clan~ I thought she was gonna pick that just from the title. Interestiiiiiiing... solid groundwork
10/14/2018 c2 5Soledge1
she is well on her way to getting stronger. her next enemy should be human like. Imp or Goblin should do.
10/14/2018 c2 MarlinMagic
i really like this and its awesome that you're trying something new! my personal feedback is to try and go into more depth with your story. i know this means longer chapters and slower updates but i personally feel it makes a fanfic 10 times better. thanks for the update!
10/13/2018 c1 Sebastian91
Thanks for the chapter ! :)
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