Just In
for The Gates of Azkaban

1/12 c78 36Lucyferina
Loved it! One of the best story I’ve ever read!
1/8 c78 Guest
thank you what an amazing fic!
12/14/2024 c57 3Kawisdom
I really enjoy this version of Dumbledore. Some fans emphasize the manipulative aspects of his character, which does exist in him, but this Dumbledore cares about those hostage children too much to abandon them, too.
His enormous power is also implied, contrasting with the horrible strength and numerical advantage of the Dementors.
12/9/2024 c78 divvycrip
Bloody brilliant
12/9/2024 c53 divvycrip
I think this is an amazing story. I also think that if you dont find a way fir Hermione and Sev to be together, i will find a way to administer the bat bogey hex to you
11/28/2024 c65 WhoIsGeorgeSand
I'm obsessed with Kreacher's arc here!
11/12/2024 c78 amandaa2255
Never, ever would I have thought I would be drawn in by a Snape-Hermione ship, but I couldn't put this down. I don't normally read fanfics, and just picked this up out of curiosity about Ekzidris, but I am glad I did. This, and the Catus and the Toad, are now my head cannon.
11/8/2024 c78 MoonfaerieGalena
This story is everything. Love what you have done with canon and all the characters, just amazing!
10/26/2024 c78 GoneForever212
Fantastic story! Thank you so much for the read!
9/20/2024 c78 1Stephair
Your story gave me so many hours of enjoyment. It was really well done. Lots of action, but also amazingly plotted and full if introspection. Loved it!
9/18/2024 c78 marzycielkaam
Thank you for this fic, it was so unique and filled with action, I've been completely hooked! it was a little disturbing for the two Severuses to exist un the same timeline and at the beginning I was hoping that Hermione and the older Severus would end up together, then I was too sad for the young Severus to end up alone and for a moment I even thought that they will switch, the older staying and exploring a relationship with Savage and the younger going to the other world with Harry, Ginny and Hermione, and maybe them bullshitting everyone else that he drank a deaging potion or something:D But the way it ended was also nice;
8/20/2024 c78 Alwu99
A bit sad that Savage n Older Snape never sailed. But overall a very good n emotional fic. Thank u for sharing!
8/20/2024 c74 Alwu99
A bunch of dumbasses those two! Cant take accountability n must try mess things up.
8/20/2024 c73 Alwu99
I Lover Older Snape x Savage! Im so happy that it's looking like he will have slice of happiness too!
8/19/2024 c38 Alwu99
Im feeling a bit anxious for older Sev. If Hermione ends up with the other world Sev. What happens to older Sev?
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