Just In
for The Family On The Run

6/19 c11 jlwharton
Good story! Enjoyed the ending!
12/26/2018 c11 regbride12
Should I feel silly knowing I didn't think that was the who!? Ugh, and I call myself a Bones fan! Lol

This version of this episode was so awesome and intriguing...sometimes, I wish Booth would have gone rogue with his family. But it did make sense that he did remain behind. Although, seeing this version, it could have worked! :)
12/26/2018 c10 regbride12
Ok, that was how this played out!
I think it was Max-he loves his future son-in-law and his daughter and granddaughter very much.

Sweets! He really is their little brother.

Couldn't agree more...her life would be incomplete without her Booth. These 2 truly kill me.
12/26/2018 c9 regbride12
This is my punishment for not reading right away? :( OMG, AHHH gotta read on...your cliffhangers are so dang good btw!
12/25/2018 c11 mendenbar
This was wonderful. I loved how gleeful Aldo was that he got to shoot Booth!
12/18/2018 c11 1aadams00
Excellent conclusion!
12/18/2018 c11 Bones2014
Excellent. Love when all of the loose ends come together. Plus really love Aldo.
12/18/2018 c11 kareneb
I already got it but I like the chapter anyway.
12/18/2018 c11 jsboneslover
I sure like that she met Aldo this way. I loved Aldo, and was a little ticked that the show had him tortured and killed..
12/18/2018 c11 304FaithinBones
Very good. I didn’t guess Aldo although it makes complete sense. I liked that Brennan was told do there are no secrets between her and Booth
12/18/2018 c11 dms517
A satisfying ending to the question of “who shot Booth?” Enjoyed your story and look forward to more B&B storylines. Thank you.
12/18/2018 c11 Vmf447
This was a great ending to the story! Aldo was such a big part of Booth’s life so of course he would help Booth! I thoroughly enjoyed this story!
12/18/2018 c11 85554Laura
a nice way to wrap up a good story. Thanks
12/18/2018 c11 ZinaR
This was a very nicely done story and a good ending.
12/18/2018 c11 2Dubbidumdibbidoo
Yeah, I got it right haha. It was a wonderful story, thank you for sharing!
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