Just In
for The Family On The Run

10/16/2018 c2 2Dubbidumdibbidoo
Great follow up chapter! I love the jealous Brennan moment, triggered by something as simple as hair dye. Booth is planning his exit perfectly and carefully. It fits his character. Amazing writing!
10/16/2018 c2 Vmf447
Great progression of the story! Booth is playing his part perfectly. Although, as stated in the story, it’s not all an act-he really misses his girls! Anxious to see how life on the road will be for Booth with Max along!
10/15/2018 c1 jsboneslover
I like your version better than the show's version, because at least Booth is in on the getaway. I hope you continue this.
10/14/2018 c1 133FictionWriter91
You have my attention. Looking forward to the next update!
10/14/2018 c1 kareneb
So far I am liking it. I like the changes you made and I am anxious to see what other changes you can come up with. I like how you have made subtle changes and not fooled with the actual story. I am hoping the new chapters don't take to long.
10/14/2018 c1 Phyllis
Like this different version of that time! Can not wait for more!
10/14/2018 c1 chanevlovesbones
Yay you’re back with another story! I’m so excited about this start!
10/14/2018 c1 1aadams00
I'm intrigued by this storyline. I don't guess I had given much thought to this particular what-if. I'm sure Brennan cannot wait for Booth to join her. I'm thinking of the adventures they will have.
10/14/2018 c1 85554Laura
Very interesting...looking forward to reading more.
10/14/2018 c1 83LoveShipper
Stupid Pelant,making Bones and Booth's lives h-e-l-l for whatever stupid reason you concocted in your brain
10/14/2018 c1 MstgSzy
Interesting idea. I'll be interested to see where you take it.
10/14/2018 c1 RobinAngelena
This is a great idea. Off to a great start.
10/14/2018 c1 Vmf447
This is a fantastic idea for a story! I can’t wait to see how he joins her. I can only imagine the crazy escapades!
10/14/2018 c1 ZinaR
There are lots of stories about that time in the show but I like that you have an original idea and am looking forward to finding out how you develop it.
10/14/2018 c1 2Dubbidumdibbidoo
Awesome story. So much less painful than how it was done on the show, since we know that Booth knows and understands from the start. It is funny that I got a story idea in my head yesterday about around the same period of time XD. I love your take on this and I am sure I’ll love whatever it is that will come next!
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