Just In
for The Family On The Run

12/17/2018 c11 RobinAngelena
Very satisfying ending. It was nice to have Booth introducing Brennan and Aldo rather than Brennan stumbling upon him. That Aldo’s a good shot too is a nice detail. Having Aldo as part of the scheme to get Pelant was fitting as was the scheme overall. Getting rid of Pelant sooner rather than later was also nice, Great story. Looking forward to your next one, and the continuation of your others.
12/17/2018 c11 83LoveShipper
Bones meet Booth's "accomplice"
12/11/2018 c10 304FaithinBones
So if Max didn’t shoot him then I’m very curious about who did. Excellent story.
12/9/2018 c10 85554Laura
pretty sneaky of Booth to set things up, but he must've had help...interested to see who it is...
12/9/2018 c10 RobinAngelena
Huge sigh of relief. Can’t wait to see who helped.
12/9/2018 c10 2Dubbidumdibbidoo
Great chapter. I do hope you are going to reveal who shot Booth. My first guess was Max, but you already ruled him out haha. Sweets was with Bones so he probably wasn’t the shooter either. It has to be someone who is an incredible shot and who Booth trusts with his life. Booth probably wouldn’t ask any of his agents, Jared isn’t very trustworthy. Brodsky is too scary haha. Aubrey hasn’t been introduced if Sweets is still around. So I am thinking that leaves the priest/bartender or maybe Cam XD. As I said amazing chapter, I am glad Bones was cleared. I’ll be missing this story when it ends.
12/8/2018 c10 Vmf447
I can't wait to find out who was helping Booth. (Maybe Flynn, somehow?) Booth's plan went well. I'm anxious to see what the next chapter holds or us!
12/8/2018 c10 1aadams00
Great chapter! Booth is such a smart guy! Come back soon!
12/8/2018 c10 jsboneslover
Curiosity abounds. What really happened?
12/8/2018 c10 mendenbar
Are you going to let us in on Booth's accomplice? I hope so as I am "dying" to know. Who ever it was, was a hell of a good shot and what did they use?
12/8/2018 c10 112GalaxieGurl
Ah, a happy ending! Worth all the angst you've put us through in the last few chapters, and wow, you really are a master of plot development! Well done! Any story which ends with Pelant being taken out is a great one in my book, and this variation from the tv episodes, having Booth join Brennan on the run and yet managing to clear himself as well as Brennan of blame and wrong-doing, is nothing short of genius! I look forward to your follow-up chapter, but you've taken care of the important stuff within this update admirably, and I enjoyed it immensely!
12/8/2018 c10 topaz270
Can't wait to find out who was Booths mysterious shooter was. Love the story.
12/8/2018 c10 JAG'ed Bones in the Casckett
very good chapter
12/8/2018 c10 kareneb
Good chapter. I enjoyed it but I am not sure exactly what happened to Booth.
12/8/2018 c10 Bones2014
Pelant dead. B&B & their daughter safely home. I’m a happy camper.
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