Just In
for Healing and Feeling

2/1/2024 c7 dennishoisington2
I would love if this story were to continue! I would be honored if you would!
1/31/2024 c7 dennishoisington2
I would love this story to continue!
12/6/2022 c3 Kadence Drury
Zeus would be so proud of that Omake lol
8/27/2021 c1 Deutsches
This was a really good story I enjoyed it, too bad this story is probably just gonna stay discontinued
4/5/2021 c7 MiniLobster8350
8/9/2019 c7 Vhosek
This is such a good story and I enjoyed reading it immensely! Naza is one of my favorite characters and deserves some happiness. I hope you come back to this story some day soon! Thank you.
11/30/2018 c4 1DarthReader223
I really enjoyed the writing in this chapter. It seems that your vocabulary increased as well. The only "problem" I see is the excessive use of "different shops" in Bell's pov; but that is just a nitpick.

I also like how more fleshed out the feelings of the characters are during multiple scenarios. And you really portrayed Freya well. It was an enjoyable read.
11/29/2018 c4 6Leech613
That's a pretty rough nickname for Freya. I mean, I get it, she's got her own bisexual reverse harem and all and she's kind off getting off to just watching Bell, but woah... That aside, it's nice to see the relationship beginning to bloom (well, not quite bloom, closer to sprout, but you get my point). The conversation was pretty damn cute too. I want to see more!

P.S. I really should've read this chapter before I posted my other review too but I see you've cleaned up that paragraphing I was nitpicking on earlier, so please ignore that part on my review of chapter 3. Sorry! Speaking of which though... this chapter was pretty clean of mistakes considering the no editing part!
11/29/2018 c3 Leech613
I actually really like the idea of this, and though it's a little slow I know it can't be helped since it's like a complete reset to the actual LN/Manga/Anime. That being said, I think that it's the best it can be content-wise as of now. Other than that, I reckon maybe the dialogue paragraphing could be cleaner but it doesn't matter too much, it's probably just me being a bit of a nitpicker (sorry!).

I wouldn't say the omake was trash, I certainly got a laugh or two from it. Considering I didn't get much sleep in the last 24 hours and got through my day as a grumpy man, it's quite something. Keep up the good content! I'd love to see where this rather original idea can go!
11/2/2018 c3 1DarthReader223
I enjoyed the writing when Bell was fighting the goblins in the dungeon. I am also curious as to what a 100/100 potential would look like 0_0. This chapter has got me wanting to know what's going to happen with an OP Bell that's apart of the Miach familia.

Some mistakes I found were

Bells POV: "it launched at my (arm I'm guessing) and swiped"
at the guild: "headed over to where Eina(was?). She"
11/2/2018 c2 DarthReader223
I like that Bell is slowly getting the hang of being apart of Miach familia. I enjoyed reading how happy he was after completing his sale as well. I think you do a great job writing the chemistry between Naaza and Bell. One more thing, in my opinion you do a better job writing in Naazas POV than Bells. But that might just be because you like her character.

I just want to note a few misspelling I saw.

typo in Bell's first PV: "In all honest (honesty)"
Naaza's POV: "he's a natural it this"
present: The fear of blood had overtaken my.(?)

(also I know that my grammar isn't perfect in my fanfic. I just thought it'd be helpful if I pointed out some stuff like that)
11/2/2018 c1 DarthReader223
I really liked that you were faithful to the personalities of the characters. I also enjoy the what if story line where Bell is apart of Miach familia. Another thing I enjoyed was tweaking the guild and levels, I found that to be interesting.

One thing I want to note is that you have a typo in Naaza's pov "You can't just a book by it's cover" I would fix that. You also have quite a bit of run on sentences however that's just a little pet peeve of mine.

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